TOMBOX VS NISHI (GP VS LABRYNTH) New Format – Feature Table Commentary

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Format June 5th 2023: Labrynth vs Gold Pride new format. Nishi makes his first live duel debut #yugioh #goldpride #liveduel …

24 replies
  1. Jakeeh Williams
    Jakeeh Williams says:

    At one tournament this guy had me for game, didnt go into battle phase kept summoning then time ran out so he could only finish that phase. I had a gravediggers trap and he activated a monster effect in the grave lol he lost for 2000 in time when he could have just attacked 😆 🤣 😂 😹 😆

  2. Alby9988
    Alby9988 says:

    Hey guys, really nice match, I love both archetypes. I think that in the second game Nishi could have done something really interesting in standy by phase: after setting the 3 traps, in tom's turn he could have activated big welcome and summon lovely and return the token to hand…since that counts as removing a monster, lovely would trigger and destroy a card like one of the backrow. In this way, start your engine would lose the timing because of big welcome (correct me if I am wrong). Afterwards, the punishment would be live since he cannot respond to monster because lovely is on the field and in that way he could have destroyed two more cards with an n'tss. Of course he could not know that tom had a hfd, but the play with lovely would have been still good imo.

  3. Walter Shoup
    Walter Shoup says:

    Gotta teach nishi some lab. Stove doesn't add itself to hand it summons and after the res of punishment he could chain the fs as well to summon back. Their are plenty of things he could have done but i just wanted to highlight some things that would truly help him improve.

  4. Blaire Gungnar
    Blaire Gungnar says:

    Stovie torbie to hand?
    Is there a reason for it?
    Else that stovie is illegally in the hand.

    I play labrynth too and that i know from heart and muscle memory, cause i try not to forget i have em XD

  5. Markice Gill
    Markice Gill says:

    Love live duels like this, tbh wasn’t a fan of doing commentary over a dule that’s in a private place with Nishi. Why not just use the audio from the actual duel itself? 🤔


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