Tofu Tiramisu | How to Make Tiramisu Super Healthy!

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Tiramisu made with Tofu!! The base is made with oats soaked in coffee. This recipe is gluten free, dairy free and vegan friendly. I hope you try making this super …

25 replies
  1. Wiktoria Gwozdowska
    Wiktoria Gwozdowska says:

    I just realised I got all ingredients needed for this recipe !!! I’m just not sure about having oats 😕 I recently bought silken tofu but I didn’t realise there is big difference between silken firm and soft tofu as on mine soft it says it is for mainly appetisers and desserts before I bought silken firm tofu and it was my first time I was amazed how close to fish it’s consistency is crazy also it was really yummy in some golden crunchy coating I made from yt video 🥰🥰☺️☺️ Im just worried how the tofu tiramisu tastes the tofu taste I mean I never ate dessert like this ? Is there anything or a taste that you could compare them for me to ?? Pls 😊😉👋

  2. Elizabeth S
    Elizabeth S says:

    This sounds lovely! I was just wondering how long do you think it will stay on the fridge? I want to make it but i’m afraid it’ll goes bad if i don’t finish it straight away


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