Thrive Life: #AskChefTodd – Steamed Vegetables

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Learn how to steam freeze dried vegetables with Chef Todd!

4 replies
  1. Munch WillbeBlue
    Munch WillbeBlue says:

    #AskChefTodd, it seems to me that that double system does work. It just takes a lot longer as enough steem needs to be absorbed to fully reconstitute the produce in the basket. This begs another question. looking at fresh meat, I can prepare two cuts of the same meat in two ways, Hod fast or low and slow. Low and slow always seems to yield the better end result though both do taste good. just low and slow is better then good.

    What if the double system just needs more time, could this longer steaming process leave us with an overall better end product just like with low and slow meats ?
    And dont say this is not possible, steam is quite hot so bacteria have little chance of destroying the recipie and continued steaming does provide a constant amount of moisture though be it a lower amount then in the other method, causing it to take that much longer.

  2. Monty K Reed
    Monty K Reed says:

    Chef Todd and Bart you guys rock. I saw this video when it first came out and forgot to make a comment. I have heard people call this "Water Fried". This is a Thrivalized word that a lot of Thrive consultants have been using. Thrive lingo is developing and we may need a dictionary or Thrive wiki site as the new language develops. Thrive lingo: "My Q" = groceries to my door. "Water Fried" = pan steamed food. "Cheff Todd" = very smart, funny, experienced, handsome and amazing culinary expert.


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