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YOU’LL NEVER BELIEVE what those movers did to our family! Plus double house closings, a quick basement tour, and many more large family moving …

28 replies
  1. Jamerrill Stewart, Large Family Table
    Jamerrill Stewart, Large Family Table says:

    ***THANK YOU SO MUCH for all of you who are concerned with what happened to our family. Just so you know, my videos are usually 1-2 weeks behind real-time. I couldn't make all the necessary phone calls and reports during the heat of our move. However, I have since made the needed reviews, reports and phone calls about this company so I have done my part to let the proper people know. xoxo 😘

  2. Yolonda Smith
    Yolonda Smith says:

    I'm so sorry ! Please be careful. I hope they didn't install hidden cameras and watch you all. Those things are small. Make sure you try to rest in between… Hugs hun

  3. Patty Millard
    Patty Millard says:

    I think cleaning the house is just a common courtesy, or should be common anyway. There is so much stress with moving, and then to have to clean up after other people before you can even move in, is just such a hassle. My mother went so far as to vacuum on top of the exposed 2×4's in her unfinished basement before she moved out! Lol

  4. sortathesame
    sortathesame says:

    I would expect any house I purchase to be broom clean, which is clean enough for me because I want to clean the house before I put any of my own things in it anyway. But I am like you, I have always had professionals come in and clean the house I am selling! I don't even know why I have such double standards, but I guess I expect more of myself than I do of others?

  5. Michelle Barham
    Michelle Barham says:

    And the award for the Most Patient, yet still very human, goes to.. Jamerrill Stewart!
    Thank you so much for your example of how to handle life's frustrations with such grace..I know it was still stressful, I KNOW you cried..but then you picked up and did all that needed to be done and did NOT let any of the unexpected stress steal your joy or effect the rest of your family..You really are a superhero! God bless you and I pray all the Stewarts are enjoying their new home!

  6. courtney brehm
    courtney brehm says:

    I can relate to this so much! I was about to sign a lease for a new place that ended up being a scam. My fiancee did some digging and found comments stating that it was a scam and what was happening with us happened with them. People these days my goodness ..

  7. jensnksm
    jensnksm says:

    U and Travis make a great team. I like following along on your adventures..It’s obvious you guys are going through a lot of stress but you’re pulling together and handling it well when I’m having a hard day over here I literally think if Jay morale and Travis can get through this so can we

  8. diana DD
    diana DD says:

    One way to make your kitchen bigger is to build a bedroom in the basement for your older boy and turn that dining room / bedroom into a walk-in pantry. That will free up a lot of space in the kitchen to accommodate its small size.

  9. Angel Ray
    Angel Ray says:

    It sounds like they were casing your house for valuables and since you already moved them there was no reason to come back. If they saw how big Travis is, I wouldn’t be too worried about seeing them again at your new house. 😂

  10. Cindy Sessions
    Cindy Sessions says:

    I was suspicious when you said they said they needed to go to Walmart for supplies. Any good company brings all their stuff with them. I’m so sorry this happened to you!!

  11. James N Brenda
    James N Brenda says:

    YES, this is my 2nd comment.
    I’m still thinking about y’all!!
    Praying for you and your family.
    Praying God blesses you with your amazing heart for God. Hope life is coming together quickly!

  12. Katie Stewart
    Katie Stewart says:

    I have a 24 inch wall oven and a family of 7. Do yourself a favor and go ahead and get a bigger one if you can. You will not be able to fit two sheet pans in there (it seems like they'll fit but the door won't shut completely 🙄)
    We live in a 60's home also that we love, but the oven size is a pain for a large family.
    I'm loving your new home! Congrats.
    Oh and I loved this awesome vlog!


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