This NEW MEAL PLANNING METHOD will help you Eat Well in Stressful Times

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When life get’s hard, all of our usual Meal Planning methods can go right of the window. I’ve learned a lot from my own stresses …

3 replies
  1. nigel cuthbertson
    nigel cuthbertson says:

    Happy New Year!
    You and I are at opposite ends of the organisation spectrum. Living on my own, I'm more of a "What do I fancy?" person. – The nearest I get to planning is occasionally consulting the Use-by list that's sellotaped to my fridge door!
    I mostly shop on impulse, buying for quality not price, and if I change my mind or can't be bothered to cook there's always the 'vacuum sealer and freezer' option.
    The oven ready pheasant which I bought for Christmas dinner is roosting happily in the freezer as I write, vacuum sealed against any possible freezer burn, and as it's quite small it won't take long to thaw if I suddenly fancy it. In fact I could probably IP it from frozen. Use my meat thermometer to check that it's properly cooked, then eat it with my fingers while I watch that Cooking and Calm channel on my big telly!

    PS. Both Lidl and Tesco are selling some of their 'Best' paté in miniature Kilner jars at the moment. Ideal for storing small quantities of stuff, and cheaper than you could buy the empty jars on Amazon, so you're getting the paté for free.
    Supper last night was Tesco ham hock with piccalilli, thickly spread on slices of toasted fruit loaf. Very yummy!!


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