This Is Why You Feel LOST, LAZY & UNMOTIVATED In Life.. (How To FIX IT!) | Rangan Chatterjee

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38 replies
  1. N M
    N M says:

    This video came when I needed to hear the things you said so much. I've been listening to this post-cast over and over again, because I am at a point in my life that I think I need to remind myself what's important everyday. Thank you for sharing your experiences, and showing a way out. You are making a difference!

  2. Sarah Steer
    Sarah Steer says:

    Please Doctor could you answer me… Im in desperate need of help. I keep crying i have unipolar. I had my home and i was married with grown up children. I had a midlife crisis… My then husband was addicted to porn and i knew he wouldn't seek help just carry on regardless. We went our separate ways. I divorced him. Got remarried and have some sort of regrets. Ive lost everything…. My kids my home.
    My kids chose to live with him.
    Now i feel so depressed. My kids aged 25 and 22 wont talk to me or visit me. I feel like im breaking down in such sadness. I wish i could turn back time and done everything so differently.

  3. Health IsBliss
    Health IsBliss says:

    My dad's story is the same as yours he too worked himself to death at 60 only because he wanted to give his daughter s every happiness in life but today I feel sad we are following his life

  4. Sol RC
    Sol RC says:

    Happiness is an inside job, unfortunately the things that depress me are things that go into my body without my control. Environmental poisons and humans greed fill my souls belly …it's heavy doc. Thanks for your insight 🤙.

  5. Divela
    Divela says:

    Thank you dear Dr. Rangan,

    I appreciate your channel and this video so much. I can truly relate to your story. I have been burnout and depressed twice during last 9 years, because I was not living my own life. Many of things that you talk about in this video have helped me much more than sessions with psycologists.

    Thank you for talking about it and sharing your wisdom and story.

    Funny, me and some friends of mine had similar conversation about LONELINESS just one day before your video here, where we shared our stories. Maybe it could be interesting for you and your work.

    With love, Diana 💖


  6. Ramona Boston
    Ramona Boston says:

    Does anyone have suggestions? I have very good health insurance but I've absolutely lost all faith in the system. I'm looking for a Dr. that will listen and won't just automatically push me through all the money making tests, etc. and will first do no harm.

  7.  Queen M 👑 ✨
    Queen M 👑 ✨ says:

    I'm not saying I disagree with you at all, but nowadays with social media, many young people become successful out of pure luck or because they are pretty etc. Before social media, I believe there were fewer successful people, especially young ones, simply because we couldn't reach out to strangers the same way. And I'm not saying they are always happy… But the thing is… I have goals and things I want to achieve. And when you see others being successful doing those things, it's hard to not get jealous. If I had achieved my goals, I am fully aware that that thing alone wouldn't make me happy, BUT the fact that I had achieved those goals would give me way more things to be GRATEFUL for. I would feel more content because I had achieved those things. Because right now, I find it difficult to be grateful when I haven't achieved the things I want to achieve. For instance, you are a very successful man. If I were successful like you in an area I was passionate about I would feel content. Even if I had low days I would still have something to be truly grateful for, and it would for sure be easy for me to tell others that happiness isn't found in success… It's easy to say when you have it.

    P.S. I still love what you do! 🙂

  8. Livewire
    Livewire says:

    Thank you ever so much. I believe your talk was inspired by God and is in line with my favorite, Dr. Joe Dispenza. You remind me of William James – many of the concepts in your sentences are powerful enough to be expounded on in a paragraph! I'll be listening many times! Thank you. "Thoughts become perception, perception becomes reality. Alter your thoughts, alter your reality." William James

  9. Lisa Wanderess
    Lisa Wanderess says:

    It has to be a two way street though… my family don't allow me time and don't want a relationship with me and my very few close friends are overseas. I dream of being surrounded by family and friends who love me on my deathbed but I know I'll be all alone. I've tried so hard to make/keep connections but I'm nobody's priority. Yes I follow my passions, play my saxophone, enjoy nature with my dog, but meaningful connection with other humans alludes me always 😢

  10. Tania Yager
    Tania Yager says:

    I think real happiness stems from contentment. If you are not satsified with life, your achievements, friends and family this leads to discontent. Always feeling there is something missing in life which feeds the discontent.

    The pressure in society to be successful makes a lot of people incapable of achieving happiness. Success is a very transient thing and different for everyone. Social media compounds our disastisfaction with things in life. So-called influencers affect many people who are not grounded or content with their own lives.

    I've found that once you go inside yourself and connect with your true values in life it can result in finding and discovering that everything else is irrelevant and a deep contentment can emerge. The contentment leads to happiness when you recognise you are okay with the person you have become today irrespective of what others think.

  11. Karen Wyness
    Karen Wyness says:

    Wow You are such an inspiration the changes Ive made due to your podcasts are live changing. I’ve just enrolled on a course with Institute of Health Science and when I shared that you are my “guru” they showed me the photos from 2017 when you did a talk there. I can’t wait to read your new book which has inspired me to dust off the book I started writing years ago! So who knows I may land up on your show!!! Keep sharing your passion the world needs you:-)

  12. Enfermeira Nômade
    Enfermeira Nômade says:

    I have been killing myself working and studying hard since I was 16( I still 32 I guess I have time). I was aways aware that this is not the life I wanted or that this is not healthy at all. But I am doing this to change my kids and my future grandchildren lives for them to have a better life. I want them to never experience the difficulties I had experienced. So I am sure that your Dad is proud of you because you are giving to him the best reward that is not only making a good use of your knolegment and life, but also sharing it with the world.
    Of course I am changing my habits and finding a balance to have a happier life but as soon as my future generation have the same results as you I will rest in peace one day🙏 Thank you Doc

  13. USATTFan
    USATTFan says:

    Oh Dr. Chatterjee. I love your podcasts, tv series’s, books, I listen to this podcast on a day that has been a real struggle. I feel like this cast can possible help me start a road of healing. I have found myself wishing over and over again that you could be my doctor. Thank you for serving all of us around the world . I just pre-ordered your new book. You are a gifted and compassionate doctor and human being.

  14. Caddie Loves The Beach
    Caddie Loves The Beach says:

    Dr Ragan, thank you for these tools, they are very valuable. We are work in process and each day is a new day to learn things about ourselves and the world we leave in. No matter your circumstances, each day is a new lesson 💖

  15. AJ PD
    AJ PD says:

    I think you are absolutely wrong on the part that when you get cut off while driving caused you aggravated day, yes Indeed this person did cause you a shot of adrenaline that caused you to react and Speaking of my self when that happens it does give me the rifters adrenaline shot i get vocal because it helps to canalize the amount of energy chemically naturally goes around my body, but then i choose to calm dow and continue with my day but it takes some time i found useful to eliminate or m ok minimize sugar

  16. AJ PD
    AJ PD says:

    I want to open a foundation develop several dog parks to support cat and dog shelters to make them autosuficiente and open a indoor rock climbing gym and artificial ave museum where physical challenge individuals can learn and have the experience to visit a cave and promote cave and Karst conservation plus redo downtown building to developed affordable rental apartments with elevators and with apartments suitable for elderly needs and single moms and dad's and safe place to live with an elevator

  17. Sofal L
    Sofal L says:

    Is the book translated into German as well soon? I want to get it for my mum. I have the english version already. She understands english but probably will not read a full book in english.


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