THIS is the best meat for TACO'S

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37 replies
  1. Benjamin Easter
    Benjamin Easter says:

    I love how the flavors and cooking styles of the American south west have become so popular around the world. Tri tip is by far my favorite think to cook on the pellet grill, I like to sear it over fire after smoking it with oak. Incredible flavor.

  2. andrendenum1
    andrendenum1 says:

    I can understand not adding any salsa — no need. I can even understand not adding any veggies beyond the onion and cilantro — maybe some roasted poblano or green pepper. I think the issue I have is there's no cheese? To keep it simple, yet delicatessen, I would think: Feta, goat cheese, ricotta, smoked gouda? Hell, on a stretch maybe some shredded cheddar.. But no cheese? To each there own I guess. Love the video, love the recipe! Going to play with it a bit. I love tri-tip but usually use it as my high end. Never thought to dial it into a taco. Kudos though. Look forward to experimenting!

  3. Lynn Kramer
    Lynn Kramer says:

    Something that you seem to not recognize. When you accept compensation either in monetary or in kind support, you can no longer be objective. I have been watching since you were too broke to let your camera crew have any of the product and you took it home to your wife and kids. Now you spend money like you have too much. How are you going to be a reliable source for information that we blue collar workers need? That you were popular for? You should dance with the girl you brought to the party.

  4. sherry purdy
    sherry purdy says:

    Where do you get Tri Tip like that?..I can hardly find Tri Tip in my local grocery. I asked for it a few times and they finally got some in. When I lived in California I could buy it all of the time but now that I live in Florida I can hardly find it and the price is so much higher than what it use to be.

  5. Lynn Kramer
    Lynn Kramer says:

    I would like to know more about roasting meat with bourbon whiskey and brandy etc. Why are we skipping over using sherry, vermouth, gin, wine or madeira with our kettle cooking? Life is short and I need to do some catching up.

  6. TheMueslikrieger
    TheMueslikrieger says:

    congratz on reaching 500k!
    I like to use the Schildstück (probably top blade? shoulder tender?) for pulled beef.
    It's quite cheap but has lots of flavor and gets perfectly tender when done low'n'slow.
    Cube it up, smoke it and put it in the dutch oven for some chili or make burnt ends with it.

  7. Peter den Hartog
    Peter den Hartog says:

    Wait a minute. I thought tri tip come from a completely different part of the cow. So how could you cook them like a picanha with fat cap? Maybe I misunderstand something. We always used tri tips for tacos in the US. Here in NL I haven't made them yet. Good reason to give it a go. It's taco season after all. 🙂 Thank goodness you use corn tortillas. Getting fed up with all the mediocre wheat tortillas in NL. Where did you get them? I can give you a traditional Mexican recipe for a really nice (and spicy) salsa from my Father in law, who is Mexican, for on top of the taco.

  8. coulter Main
    coulter Main says:

    #feed the camera man. Honestly I would love to see this channel do more close ups. Along with taking it a little more professionally. I wanna see this man take on a challenge. There’s always something that can be improved on. I love the channel but I want more close ups of the meats. An want y’all to be CREATIVE an do FANCY dishes. Maybe even do meal prepping. Or random other things from time to time.


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