This is Our Backyard. Living off Deserted Islands on our Sailboat – Free Range Sailing Ep 189

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Join us this week as we sail, dive, fish and explore a couple of deserted tropical islands off the West Australian Coast. KEEP US SAILING! Support us and gain …

50 replies
  1. William Lilliott
    William Lilliott says:

    Your camera must be excellent as the colors we are seeing are gorgeous. You are capturing your days so perfectly, allowing us to live vicariously without having to leave our computers. Pascale's serenity just makes my heart sing and absorb the beauty of the day. Hypnotic, in the best of ways.

  2. William Bremner
    William Bremner says:

    That stainless steel soap bar is a real revelation for me! Super keen on getting/making one. I've always hated peeling/processing garlic because of the stink it left on my fingers…for days even, ugh. Can't wait to try this – cheers!

  3. Daniel Haxton
    Daniel Haxton says:

    Those hawkins pressure cookers are great. Simple and robust, can do a one pot meal whilst underway and can use alot of the wasted fish and veg scraps for soups etc. Those whale bones were amazing. 👍

  4. peter hatton
    peter hatton says:

    thanks for the info about the stainless bar of soap i will ask around for one till then others may like to know some dry mustard in the palm of the hand add a little water and wash hands bingo all fish smells gone totally fresh smelling hands.

  5. terry s
    terry s says:

    Just started enjoying your videos and will be watching all of them in time. Australia"s remote waters are amazing and the wildlife photography is awsome. Looking forward to new episodes!

  6. stony
    stony says:

    hay Pascal and Troy,
    tnx for this nice video – nice as asual 🙂
    i know this stainless tool also from my "Oma"…
    when we children once again "fetched" fish from the stream … which was not entirely legal ….. hmpf – but long time ago… 🙂
    my best regards from austria to you both.

  7. Stevie Bee
    Stevie Bee says:

    Konjac isn’t made from seaweed Pascale, it’s a starchy Asian root. Konjac is a common name of the East and Southeast Asian plant Amorphophallus konjac, which has an edible corm. It is also known as konjaku, konnyaku potato, devil's tongue, voodoo lily, snake palm, or elephant yam.

  8. daniel buckner
    daniel buckner says:

    Cracking footage! I am so glad that pressure cooker has been replaced oh, it was keeping me up at night! I like the Locking lid too but as Troy knows even dive tanks explode if expanded and contracted enough times.

  9. April Steel
    April Steel says:

    Can you give a link to that pressure pot please ? None actually say 316 on ebay and not sure what size is most useful on a boat. Don't want the 5 litre I guess ,so is yours 3 litre or 1 1/2 litre?

  10. Peter Hamilton
    Peter Hamilton says:

    all that effort and angst refitting has really paid off….the lighting in this episode shows your dedication to detail once again. amazing life your living guys, wish more people behaved as you both do towards the environment !

  11. Monster Slayer
    Monster Slayer says:

    Extraordinary. What a beautiful lifestyle. Does it ever feel lonely? Even though I am a bit of a loner myself, the decreased socializing with friends from the COVID-19 pandemic has me feeling a bit of a castaway. I think I would relish abiding in a neighborhood like yours…for the first month or two…

  12. Don Frazer
    Don Frazer says:

    My wife and I love your videos, and appreciate all of your advice and wisdom! Have you guys discussed the topic of ciguatera poisoning in an earlier episode? If so could you direct me to it? Would like to hear your thoughts regarding this topic. Thanks for all of your great videos!

    FARTACUS says:

    love ur lifestyle and spewing we missed you in Perth. whats your views on the Chinese global fishing fleets, raping our oceans? would love to see our pollies adopt the same line as Portugal and Africa..sink the bas@#&ds!

  14. tsurdyk
    tsurdyk says:

    Beautiful episode. The beach, the drone and underwater shots…pure art. And the "found paradise" way of collecting dinner. It's all good. Delicious meals; cannot ask for more from your environment.


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