This is 5x Better Than VITAMIN D (inflammation, fat loss, brain)

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42 replies
    AB ARMAGH says:

    ur dangerous, ur conning the people on here so you can make lots of money and its all about the money thomas but ur not man enough to admit it, ur constantly promoting other companies to make even more more, youre a wrong one

  2. Stuart Hutt
    Stuart Hutt says:

    A bit confusing. Vitamin A is important. I reversed my macular degeneration with it. But comparing D and A and referring to RDA is misleading. Many RDAs were established 80 to 100 years ago and were minimums not optimal health. RDA was for bone health and at 600iu D3 is fine. But know we know D is food for the immune cells and receives it through the VDR receptor which controls over 2000 genes. We are an indoor society now and suntan lotion blocks 90 percent uvb. As our D 25hydroxy drops our immune system becomes dysfunctional and we are more susceptible to all diseases and pathogens. Be careful with medical studies. Many are written designed to fail to promote a certain viewpoint.

  3. Mellocore
    Mellocore says:

    I was advised that I should be taking at least 1000mg of EPA which I am not finding as of a dose in CLO vs Fish oil. I don’t know what is better taking CLO or taking a good quality Omega 3 including vit D and also taking vitamin A supplement. What is the best option?

  4. Pop Lotto
    Pop Lotto says:

    Hi… what about the oxidized molecules, i.e during production, lipid oxidation in cod liver oil and or fish oil? Is this not relevant as well not that we run into a double edged sword?

  5. Mick Jay
    Mick Jay says:

    Major inflammation today is from a poor diet filled with processed foods. This is due to the large amounts of insulin in the body from sugar storage that is reaping havoc in the liver. The liver is uncapable of keeping up with the insane amount of fructose/glucose that it stores it as fat. Usually, fat storage means increased estrogen, increased water absorption and higher inflammation. A bad liver also means your body is not absorbing the required nutrients or being able to get rid of toxic waste which builds up in our body and creates a plethora of diseases. Take the increased Gout attacks, children getting fatty liver, etc. It's never been like this before and diet and sedentary lifestyle is to blame.

  6. we know his voice
    we know his voice says:

    Turn to Jesus people he died for your sins, Repent of what the New Testament describes as sin. Believe the gospel obey the teachings of Jesus documented in Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. Jesus is the only way to be saved, be baptized if you have faith in Jesus then you will live life with him as your example. If you need prayer i'll pray for you. If you want to keep contact with a brother in Christ i’ll keep contact with you. The love of God is beyond our understanding. God bless,.,.,

  7. Fryer Tuck
    Fryer Tuck says:

    Just eat oily fish.
    I have seen numerous studies showing supplement uptake of O3 is tiny in comparison to natural and also that a considerable percentage is oxidised.

    If you have arthritis drop all carbs, go carnivore and get your body back!


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