This Is 10X Better Than Ketchup

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shorts #ketchup #food #breakfast #cooking Tomato Chutney Recipe: 1 pound sugar bomb cherry tomatoes halved 3/4 cup sherry …

40 replies
  1. David Spence
    David Spence says:

    Definitely not from back east you forgot the damn cheese so pretty much generic what are the Melt sandwich so you're not as important as you think you are maybe you should find another way to express yourself in these videos

  2. Dan Limbach
    Dan Limbach says:

    Ketchup is a smooth puree that is meant to be squirted or poured on food. You should compare your chutney with salsa for a more fair comparison. Ketchup does what it does better than chutney in most cases. For french fries, burgers, tater tots, etc. I'll take a delicious smooth ketchup over a chunky chutney.

  3. Ros Ivan
    Ros Ivan says:

    When you see a cooking video and at start he dumps onion and tomatoes and garlic in start that is big bad mistake people who learn how to cook do because all them have different time to cook.


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