This CHEESE TRICK Stunned The Hundreds Of Housewives! Mind Blowing Ideas You'll Repeat This Summer!

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Video content 0:00 – Start 0:07 – Micro Beef Kebabs 1:06 – Fried Cheese Skewers 2:19 – Deep-Fried Egg White Balls 3:21 – Mini Lula Kebab In Dough 4:42 …

27 replies
  1. mikeylorene
    mikeylorene says:

    Well, when I went to cooking school, I was taught to NEVER touch cheese with bare hands-or touch the inside of a cheese package- it's what causes mold. People wonder why cheese turns moldy – it's because you touched it. And please don't say I washed my hands- even when surgeons scrub their hands with antibacterial soap and wear gloves, pathogens can still be transferred to patients. Use a clean knife or spoon and fork to handle cheese- and any food…. like putting bare hands in all the meat while cutting and preparing.

  2. drnstvns
    drnstvns says:

    Ok so your videos are gorgeous but “housewives?” SO sexist. You sure can cook but you can’t pour a beer to save your life. Besides the sexism, your title “This cheese trick conquered the hundreds of housewives!” makes no sense. THE hundreds of housewives? I didn’t know there was a group called “hundreds of housewives” and this cheese trick conquered them. UCk “housewives” still bugged by the sexism. And more than that WHAT cheese trick? Sticking toothpicks in a block of cheese? People, housewives among them, have been sticking toothpicks in cheese blocks longer than you’ve been obsessed with the slo-mo setting on your camera. You’re gonna have to learn how to pour beer on your own (hint: tilt the dang glass) but I can help solve your misleading sexist title for you. Try “This FRIED CHEESE recipe will conquer your guests pre-dinner hunger pains! Mind blowing recipes to make YOU THE STAR of your own party!” Now you’re not misleading with a promise of an undelivered “cheese trick”, you don’t alienate men who like to cook as well and you don’t spread the arcane concept of women being wives to the house while the man is out making a living. Ta da!

  3. Ethan allen
    Ethan allen says:

    Damn you man!!! I’m gonna find you and kidnap you!!! Just for a weekend or so. I’ll even pay you your ransom and bring you home. But wow! Looks amazing as always!!


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