This Blend is WORTH so MUCH MORE | Bitterleaf Sugary Pick Me Up Review

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This heavy nosed delicious tea …

8 replies
  1. @n00binator64
    @n00binator64 says:

    Hey, love the content. I'm really interested in the line on the bitterleaf page that says that this tea is good for grandpa/thermos brewing. I thermos brew on work days and would love to bring a tea with dancong fragrance to work but most dancongs will ovebrew that way. I don't suppose you've given grandpa brewing a go with this one?

  2. @abbyc9434
    @abbyc9434 says:

    I loved how the wet leaves looked! This is a really tasty budget buy. Loved your deep dive into the characteristics of each. As someone who enjoys florals this hit the spot for my recent black tea cravings 🍃

  3. @zacfortin9023
    @zacfortin9023 says:

    I would LOVE a SUPER in depth video about every Oolong variety that you have info on. Maybe break out a whiteboard, even. The works. Specifically the difference in how each one is processed, info on each cultivar, just literally every little piece of information you can think of.

  4. @BryanCheong
    @BryanCheong says:

    A short-lived 5-steep dancong in this case actually matches the red tea's short lifespan in number of steeps as well. I'm not a fan of blends, including other popular bitterleaf blends, but this one was a clear winner that was thoughtfully planned.


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