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THINGS WE LOVED IN JANUARY & AN AMAZING WINTER SOUP// Hello, We haven’t done a favourites video in quite a while and thought it would be great to …

31 replies
  1. RoAnne Campagnolo
    RoAnne Campagnolo says:

    Loved your Pajama modeling! Kirsten your dress is so pretty. Joerg your soup looked so delicious! My husband and I watched The Dig , we enjoyed it very much.

    As always a pleasure tuning into your channel…😊

  2. Michaela Mitterhuber
    Michaela Mitterhuber says:

    Liebe Kirsten, lieber Jörg!
    Das kann ich nur bestätigen, auch ich warte immer schon sehnlichst auf eure Videos!!!!
    Ich habe heute Eintopf a La Jörg gekocht, den es aber erst morgen gibt….weil es ja wie ihr schon sagtet einen Tag später am besten schmeckt. Sehr gut geworden!!!! Danke vielmals für alle deine Tipps, liebe Kirsten.
    Bei uns in St Valentin sind alle Faschingskrapfen ausverkauft…. unglaublich….ich kann mich nicht erinnern, dass so etwas schon Mal vorgekommen ist!!! Ich wünsche euch noch einen schönen Faschingsausklang und schicke euch meine allerbesten Wünsche, Zuversicht und Hoffnung und alles was man noch so gebrauchen kann in diesen Tagen. So ein Glück, dass es euch gibt! Gruß aus St Valentin
    .. Österreich eure Michaela

  3. Joanne Maurer
    Joanne Maurer says:

    OMG I can't believe I missed this episode. The soups looks so yummy! I am in complete awe of those beautiful biscuits. They look too beautiful to eat. I never seen anything like it. I been looking for a makeup that does not look powdery and you always look flawless and dewy. I will definitely order the Charlotte Tilbury makeup. Happy almost birthday. You look fabulous! Thank you for the film recommendation that story is amazing. Pearl Lowe house is amazing. My eyes were just staring at it in amazement! Thank you for sharing. I will definitely add these items to my shopping. Hugs to you both! xoxo

  4. RebeccasRoses
    RebeccasRoses says:

    Hello 🙂 I must tell you about my Valentines Day gift. My husband and I always watch you two. We had a huge ice storm and he was not able to buy me a Valentines Day card. He remember the pajamas and he bought me your Rosey Posey pajamas Kirsten. I am a rose girl too. 🙂 I am so surprised because usually we only do Valentines cards. I cant wait to receive them and it will be a bit of time because they are coming to Oregon from England. I am so excited to receive them. 🙂 So I had to tell you about my surprise. Thank you for sharing your Jim Jams. <3 Happy Belated Valentines Day!!

  5. Jen
    Jen says:

    Have you visited the English countryside of Lincolnshire or the village of Irnham , where the Luttrell Psalter originated? The illustrations from the psalter are often depicted in other literary works. I enjoyed seeing your pajamas, and really like the comfy tailored look.

  6. Lina Anderson
    Lina Anderson says:

    Another lovely video from you both ,I too love soups and here in Scotland we make great soup .I used to have a hotel in my small town and my soups were particularly enjoyed .may I ask you Kristen about the steam clothes cleaner you use ,you postednin one of your what I liked videos but for the life of me I can't fjnd the one .It's my daughter's birthday soon and I would love to get her one ,she suffers for arthritis and ironing hurts so I think a steamer would be so much better .x

  7. Monika Kalisch
    Monika Kalisch says:

    Guten Morgen meine lieben Herzenskinder,
    nach einer eisigen Nacht (minus 23 Grad) brauchte ich etwas Wärme, Witz und Geborgenheit um mich herum……….Was war zu tun ????🤔
    Aah, da gibt es doch diesen beiden nice people in the UK. Euch zu sehen und zu hören hat mir beim Frühstück schon wieder so gut getan, sodass der Tag in eine sehr positive Richtung gedreht wurde.
    Wäre es möglich, so stünde schon bald ein Kurier mit einem Blumemstrauss vor Eurer Tür, der Euch wieder mal sagen soll : wie schön, dass es Euch gibt…….!!! In diesem Sinne wünsche ich Euch einen schönen Valetinstag.💝💝🐑🐑🐞🐞🍀🍀💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹
    Herzlichst Monika
    PS. Kennt Ihr den schon ? What an old Snowman ?
    it's a puddle

  8. fleur dursanter
    fleur dursanter says:

    I love wearing my pj’s all day too. Well, when I’m at home resting. I can’t seem to wear regular clothes at home. I just can’t. 😀 In the States, we also say use clothes to lounge around. It seems the lounging clothes has increased in popularity since the confinement first began. Lol. I have to try the German soup. I prepared German food for our Friday dinner for the very first time. My two boys loved it.

  9. Joe Dobie
    Joe Dobie says:

    Thank you for sharing all the wonderful items and thoughts from January.Have to day the soup 🍜 inspired me to cook some up soon . Oh my and the cake 🍰 looked Devine’s. Have awesome week be safe and stay well. Love 💕 Joanne

  10. Karin Bergman
    Karin Bergman says:

    The soup looks wonderful, as do the peacock biscuits! The PJs. adorable. Your dress is amazing, Kirsten! I love the fabric and the style. I always love wearing long skirts and dresses and your dress would be beautiful a bit longer as well. The powder looks great too. Thank you so much, as always! 💗


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