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27 replies
  1. Tiffany
    Tiffany says:

    There's a quote Steve Harvey says a lot…. "The best way to kill a BIG dream, is to tell it to a SMALL minded person!" That is so true! Too many naysayers out there trying to bring you down!

  2. Mountains to Mortgages
    Mountains to Mortgages says:

    In the words of my husband, “ Don’t tell anyone anything. It makes life easier because you can just live your life.” He’s the quiet one in our relationship, and I have been working on keeping my mouth shut 🤐 this year. It does make life easier & it brings the peace. Thanks for sharing 🙏🏼

  3. Vicki Wizykoski
    Vicki Wizykoski says:

    WOW – there were so many lightbulb moments while listening to this recording…I may need to listen to this like once a week to get all the shares
    thank you for putting yourself out there; helping us

  4. Sophia Smythe
    Sophia Smythe says:

    P.S. Your daughter has the rest of her life to hop on the hamster wheel of a lifetime of earning a paycheck and paying taxes. School, education, extracurricular activities keep kids busy enough so let them be kids before they have to grind as adults for the rest of their lives. I wish I had that opportunity when I was a teen, it's one of my regrets that I have.

  5. Sophia Smythe
    Sophia Smythe says:

    The other side of the coin, I never used to say crap if I had a mouthful. The end result was never speaking up for myself, swallowing everything and had it turn into stomach and mental issues. Since gaining confidence I have learned not to take the crap I used to swallow. I am always honest, sometimes brutal if asked directly, but tempered with respect and mercy when not. I value the opinions of my dearest friends and the reason they are my dearest friends is because they show the same respect in return. I hate to be told what others think I want to hear I want to be told what I need to hear. I'm a big girl, I can take it now.

  6. Mary Manchester
    Mary Manchester says:

    Everyone has an opinion. I learned at work your co workers are only acquaintances not your friends. If you have 5 true friends in your life you are lucky. The ones that talk about you are just jealous and wish they could do what you do, or they want you to be brought down to their level. You do you!! It is your life no one walks in your shoes. I admire you for putting yourself out there. I love your house and family.

  7. Lola
    Lola says:

    Daniela, there is a famous quote by Teddy Roosevelt that speaks to all you are saying. Part of it is "It is not the critic who counts. Not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood, who strives valiantly,…"

  8. T K
    T K says:

    Girllll! You hit it on the head with this one. My daughter was top of her class & a competitive swimmer training training & traveling. A job was out of the question point blank period. When it comes to my kids if I dont ask keep the shit to yourself. Sometimes it is other's who need to practice the art of being quiet 🤫

  9. Carol F
    Carol F says:

    Well said! Along the same lines as “zip it up”, I always say “smile & wave”. No one needs to know your business. You have a good head on your shoulders Daniela.

  10. Winona Bannon
    Winona Bannon says:

    In my opinion, your daughter has a job! Her job is going to school and doing the best she can! Her school activities are a part of her job! Life is too short! She needs to enjoy her school years! You tell them mamma!

  11. Corry Benson
    Corry Benson says:

    Wow! That’s some good stuff right there . Definitely an eye opener of when to speak and when to hold your tongue . Thanks for the wisdom. Will definitely be more careful with my words. I was in a situation last week and caught a co worker saying something I said as if they were her words and not mine. I was unbelievably speechless. It was someone I thought was my friend. It just shows not everyone in your corner is your friend or your friend is not always in your corner.

  12. Joy80
    Joy80 says:

    I grew up with the saying "If you don't have anything nice to say keep your mouth shut"…PERIOD!!!
    People need to mind their own business. Also Misery loves company!! You are such a smart cookie…a GEM!! You do You!!

  13. Patty Lyman
    Patty Lyman says:

    Don't we all have enough work and jobs as adults? Let kids be kids. It is our job as parents to guide them to success. Having a good education and a healthy outlook in life is what kids should have. A job does not define you. And again…good ol social media. It has made people use their voice on things they should not be able to.

  14. S Rezzy
    S Rezzy says:

    That top looks great on you. I used to talk a lot more when I was younger, but I’ve realized as you said…talking to much opens the door to other people feeling the need to voice their opinion. Keeping quiet allows you to pull up your socks and keep walking. Leave the trash people behind.


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