These EASY 30 Minute Meals will Change Your Life!

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These 30 minute Meals are my most favorite meals that I have made! After a week of my kids having Walking Pneumonia, then the week after I got COVID.

22 replies
  1. Kayla M. J.
    Kayla M. J. says:

    I’m so sorry you got Covid! I can’t imagine having that while being pregnant too. I got Covid over a year ago, even though I felt horrible I luckily didn’t lose my taste or smell. That would be torture, however I didn’t have much of an appetite anyhow.

  2. ethelmurmur
    ethelmurmur says:

    yep the loss of taste and smell is a pain! still a year later it comes and goes. onion still taste like plastic and other random things tastes like water out of a hose LOL

  3. R S
    R S says:

    At least you lost all sense of taste. When I had covid last year about this time, everything tasted like wet drywall smells. Basically spend the week that I had it worse living off of iced tea and Ensure shakes. And it took me months before I could eat a poptart again, as I had discovered the taste while eating one, and the combination of the taste and texture really turned me off.


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