There’s something I need to share.

For more great Instant Pot recipes, please visit

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37 replies
  1. Moneyhoon
    Moneyhoon says:

    Not only are your recipes amazing, your videos are so well-made and entertaining, too! And btw, take a well-deserved vacation! Everyone needs to sometimes. 🙂

  2. Dana M
    Dana M says:

    Good for you for being true to yourself in dedicating time to those other endeavors as well as a well-deserved vacation. A lot of people don’t have the confidence to step away from the camera for fear of losing momentum or viewers. You’re a good role model on how to run a business while trying to balance other areas of your life. 💕

  3. Lynne Mikkelsen
    Lynne Mikkelsen says:

    I love you!!!!! I am excited that you are taking good care of yourself, that is part of the beauty of being a healthy eater, healthy life, respect for your needs have fun!!!!

  4. Supriya M
    Supriya M says:

    All of that work AND you respond to every single message I have sent you on Instagram despite the crazy following and I appreciate that so much !! <3

  5. Big monkey
    Big monkey says:

    I just recently got hooked on your videos. I'm thankful you've got lots of content to keep me busy trying to cook for myself. ( I'm a horrible cook-pray for me) I wish you the best rest & success during your time off from YouTube. See you back here soon.

  6. Debbie CS
    Debbie CS says:

    I’m so glad I discovered your channel not too long after we switched to vegan eating. Your cashew cheese was and quesadillas were the first recipe I tried and now my husband makes the cheese all by himself because he loves it so much and has become part of his regular menu. Thank you for sharing your recipes here and on your blog. You make this lifestyle doable and delicious.

  7. Sam Schrevel
    Sam Schrevel says:

    I never replied to anything, but I have been cooking your recipes for a year now. My friends and family can't get enough of the vegan Bolognese! Enjoy your me-time and I can't wait for your book!

  8. Cynthia Swan
    Cynthia Swan says:

    Good for YOU❤️❤️❤️ love your cookbook, admire your work.
    Take Time for YOU. When you replenish yourself you have a healthier and happier life. It’s a lesson most of us learn along the way.❤️

  9. Cindy Church
    Cindy Church says:

    Thank you for all you do! It is so important to take care of yourself first. I enjoy your content. You go take some time out. I learned a long time ago that a balanced life doesn't mean you spend equal time on everything you do. It means quality of time and shifting your focus occasionally. Take care

  10. Kera Sherwood-O'Regan
    Kera Sherwood-O'Regan says:

    So glad that you're taking a break and giving yourself some time to really relish the book-writing rather than stressing with juggling too much. It's awesome to see that you're prioritising and normalising self-care and having holidays. Take care, and looking forward to checking back in on some of my old fave recipes and videos while you're away 🙂

  11. Just Cynthia
    Just Cynthia says:

    Just really happy your not leaving. I recently found your channel so I know I have a lot of catching up to do but I’m glad you will be back. Enjoy your time off

  12. April Schneider
    April Schneider says:

    Neesha, I've been cooking the instant pot recipes from your cookbook for almost a year now and I can't wait for you to write another cookbook! Your cookbook is my number one favorite. I cook from it every week and I love the recipes! I've gotten a lot of compliments from others too, since I often share the food. My favorite is the chili. 🙂 I'm hoping that your next cookbook maybe has a good variety of salads and other raw/fermented/pickled veggies…?!?! I also love the salads from your website.

  13. kaiju k
    kaiju k says:

    I was just watching your tofu scramble "eggs" recipe when this came up, you deserve all the time in the world, we will always be here for you <3


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