The WORST Diet Advice We've Ever Heard!

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30 replies
  1. Patricia Vavra
    Patricia Vavra says:

    Eating low fat and low sugar never worked for me. Cutting the carbs was the best thing I have ever done for myself. I too have been eating this way for over 3 years, kept the weight off.

  2. A Giraffe
    A Giraffe says:

    My little sister makes it abundantly clear, that she expects me to fail. My husband says it is not about me, but that she thinks if I fail, it means it’s okay that she didn’t even try.

  3. Just Jen
    Just Jen says:

    Kind of a variation on a couple things you said, but "calories in, calories out" and "just eat less and move more" were horrifically damaging. I ate so few calories and did so much cardio that my net calories were 500-700 and the scale never budged. I was weak, sick, miserable, and still fat. Turned out I had hypothyroidism and was killing myself slowly. I've had two episodes of myocarditis (2019 and just before this Christmas) and I wonder if all the abuse I inflicted on my body is the cause. I was 100% carbs and sugar addicted from a few hours old (formula baby) and no one ever suggested I try living without carbs until a few years ago and I was too scared to try it until recently, but I've lost 20 lbs with no exercise. Having stalled I do want to incorporate either IF or light exercise (I don't currently get in more than 5000 steps, 1-3k most days). Which do you think would be more beneficial?

  4. joe18750
    joe18750 says:

    I've encountered all the bad advice examples you've outlined here. But the behavior that most surprises and confounds me is how personally offended people seem to react when you reveal you're keto or low carb. Lol, why are they offended at something that has zero impact on their lives? SMH!

  5. Carrie Jorgenson
    Carrie Jorgenson says:

    I really love this video because I have heard every single bad piece of advice that you mentioned. The one that really gets under my skin at this point in my journey is when people say are you going to not eat sugar and wheat flour for the rest of your life? But they say it in a way that is like a little condescending and that it's unrealistic. Yes. Yes I will eat this way for the rest of my life! For me personally sugar and wheat flour or super inflammatory, I have no control when I consume them, but it was a struggle to remove them from my life but I'm now 18 plus months free of those ingredients. I'm definitely not strict keto but I will tell you my way of eating in general is very low carb. I think it's not high fat enough to be considered keto. But anyway that doesn't matter. I think when people make comments like that it is from a place of being judgmental and feeling like it's unrealistic. I can still enjoy every single bite of food that I eat, live my life, and love preparing meals without those ingredients! To be honest I don't want to ever go back to the old way.

  6. Debbie
    Debbie says:

    My husband was my worse critic. I am 66 and have lost over 125 lbs, 3 times. Not to mention all the diets in-between, only to gain it all back and more (usually within 2 yrs) only to start over again. I have been keto for over 5 yrs now, and have kept the weight OFF!!! My husband is still in a state of disbelief, that I have stuck to something this long. This is a WOL now, not a DIET. And, it is the healthiest I have ever been. My Doctor was the one that told me about Keto, I was pre-diabetic and did not want to die the way the rest of my family did with compilations from Diabetes. Thank you for this video, you guys are so right on!

  7. Shauntae Holmes
    Shauntae Holmes says:

    I'm learning it's just better to not say anything to most people; they can be awful. You ladies give great, practical advice and grace for those times when it is needed. It's funny: Even being 6mnths pregnant now, I still feel better eating mainly just dinner and maybe some low carb/keto snacks in between and we are just fine. Do I announce that to those around me? No bc I already know the type of responses Id get…Really wish 'if you don't have anything nice to say' would make it's way back around with the 'kids' these days lbvs🙃

  8. Karen
    Karen says:

    Been doing mostly keto-ish eating with hubby under doctor supervision for almost 5 years. We have both lost over 70 lbs. Pre-lifestyle change, hubby was on 11 medications for blood pressure, cholesterol and heart issues. He’s down to 2 prescriptions, soon to be none, Lord willing.

    Things we learned: 1) we are fat because of what we eat and drink, NOT from lack of exercise. Can’t exercise yourself to skinny. 2) eating later than 6p.m. usually puts on weight 3) ignore the FDA, USDA, American Diabetes Association, American Cancer and American Heart Association recommendations. NONE of them want you healthy. 4) drink lots of clean water (we only drink distilled), get some sun, eat whole real foods NOT food products, stay away from processed or white foods (most dairy, rice, pasta, flour, pastries, cakes, bread) Exception is real cheeses and real butter and cream. 5)healthy self = HEAL THYSELF We were known as “the incredible shrinking couple” by our friends. Love your channel…I just found you!

  9. Joshua Marks
    Joshua Marks says:

    Avoiding sugar, processed grains, and starches is actually very effective exercise (of sensible nutrition):

    Since the body does not require carbs, replacing those calories with more protein and fat will make you feel much fuller so you end up with a smaller appetite which eventually generates a calorie deficit.

    That is why low carb works as a weight loss strategy and sustainable lifestyle because you get to eat until you’re full (of nutritious food).

  10. Doobie Dootwo
    Doobie Dootwo says:

    🤗 love Sarahs jumper 🥰 worst diet advice is when you have lost a significant amount of weight but still have more to lose people saying ‘You have lost enough, you dont want to lose any more ‘ !

  11. Joanna Hatton
    Joanna Hatton says:

    Yesterday I received my 1st order of LMNT! Have a question searching the internet didn't give me an answer for. If I drink my electrolytes with 32oz water can I add that into the daily amount of water I drink? Sure hope so! Love you guys!!

  12. Vicki Martin
    Vicki Martin says:

    I still struggle with carbs. I like beer, cocktail, deserts, candy, etc. But when I first decided I needed to lose weight I couldn't even walk a quarter of a mile due to arthritis in my hip. So I stopped eating so much. I finally got healthy enough to exercise after I lost weight. So you are dead on when you say you don't need to exercise to lose weight. I am proof.

  13. Marla Rasnick
    Marla Rasnick says:

    Ladies, you made me laugh out loud through your video. I have heard ALL of your “bad advice” from friends and family over the years. How about when you go to someone’s house for dinner, and they KNOW you do not do carbs, but they breaded the chicken, and you know it isn’t Stevia sweetening the sauce. Then they say-“Oh, a tiny bit of sugar in the sauce (or just some flour in the breading) isn’t going to kill you.” YES IT IS!!! I have been Lo Carb and sometimes KETO (if I can get into it) for 40+ years. If I start gaining weight (over the winter especially), I will go down to OMAD until I am back to my set weight (around 120 lbs). People say that I am crazy to weigh myself every day and keep a record of it, but after an initial 125 pound loss, I will never be fat again. I LOVE good bread and pizza and chocolate lava cake, and dream about them sometimes (lol), but I am an addict. I can’t eat ONE cookie, or ONE French fry. An alcoholic can’t have just ONE drink. If I take charge of my life, and plan for an occasional FORBIDDEN food, I can have it, and then get right back (next meal) on track. One day at a time! 🙂

  14. CW
    CW says:

    I've noticed many comments come after people realize you really are losing weight and sticking to something you believe is your lifestyle. The word jealousy comes to mind more often than not.

  15. Ginny larsen
    Ginny larsen says:

    Really, I think the worst keto diet advice I was given is to eat more fat if I'm not losing weight and calories don't count. I know my body, and adding more fat (which means more calories) will not cause me to lose weight and it has caused me to gain. I was gaining so much on keto because I was eating too much fat, too many calories with all the keto goodies I was baking, keto bread, etc. I find keeping it simple, with normal amounts of fat, cutting out fat bombs, treats, snacks, breads and desserts is the only way I lose now. I'm 67, it's a lot harder. Been low carb and/or keto since 2005 for my T2. Lost all my weight, which wasn't that much – about 20 lbs., and over the years gained it all back. Got burned out, started craving carbs again or feeling deprived and abnormal because I could not participate in social situations without either starving or bringing my own food and having to pass up all the good food. At first that was easy for me but then it got so I resented it. I guess emotions and tragedies in my life also played a part in it all. But anyway… I learned to simply keep it simple. That calories do count. Desserts and breads – even though keto – can cause weight gain and needs to be limited or cut out at least for a time (for me). We all have to learn to know our body and not listen to someone who thinks they do but does not.

  16. Lorrene
    Lorrene says:

    I've constantly watched my weight so 15 to 20 pounds over is usually the most I have been. I love when people who are 80 pounds overweight, who aren't even trying to get their weight under control, tell me how to lose weight

  17. chobikun
    chobikun says:

    I just got the variety lmnt samples yesterday! Also cheated a little bit with having a faux margarita with tequila and ice water. Mixed in a third of the mango chili powder. Been doing keto for about a month and not so bad now.

  18. Susan Smith
    Susan Smith says:

    I've heard all those things too. Another thing I was told was you can eat all you want just as long as it's carbs and low in fat. Sort of like a reverse Keto diet. Love your videos. You ladies have that great Chicagoland charm….just like me :).

  19. Stacy Schwed
    Stacy Schwed says:

    Not advice but discouraging words. I started Keto and have lost 30 lbs. I love and have just never really lost this much just from changing my life style. Anyway when I would tell people I lost 10/15 lbs they would say its just water. everyone looses water. Its hard to hear because I worked so hard but I am still going. Love your channel

  20. RandomJane
    RandomJane says:

    Eat less fat and exercise more. It's the worst weight loss plan ever. After 3 years of keto and maintaining a 20+ weight loss, I'd like to punch a few doctors in the face for the two previous decades of soul crushingly bad advice.

  21. Kitty Woods
    Kitty Woods says:

    I love to go for walks & move but doing keto was the key to being down 80#’s. Now walking doesn’t hurt my knees. I just like to walk it makes me feel good. I agree with all you said. I love the meat & broccoli! The other things are tempting but they make you feel empty, meat however is so satisfying! Thank you for addressing these subjects! Blessings! 🤗💞


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