The Worlds BEST Roast, Mashed Potatoes & Gravy | You Will Never Eat It Different Again

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Thank you for Watching! The Worlds Best Roast, Mashed Potatoes, and Gravy ingredients are all listed below. Remember.

39 replies
  1. GossMania Homestead
    GossMania Homestead says:

    I love making my homemade mashed potatoes that way to I usually use milk and sour cream. I will have to try the half & half for our crew. I haven't made roast beed that way in a while it is super delicious. Love y'all, have a Very Blessed and Happy New Year.

  2. Joan Griswell
    Joan Griswell says:

    Well, I allowed that Jenn is an outstanding cook and navigates well around in the kitchen; However, I must speak up on this issue. In my 74+ years, I have mastered several dishes, and foremost is my roast and the trimmings. I think I could give her a run for her money…my boast is in jest, of course. I was raised never to brag; but I couldn't resist this response.

  3. Latrece Crispe
    Latrece Crispe says:

    It is my understanding that home canned foods last better in dark cool rooms. It might be a good idea to put your fridge in front of the window to help block the light. Just a thought.

  4. Amy DeJesus
    Amy DeJesus says:

    I'll never understand why people that have a problem with eating your livestock insist on watching homestead channels and fussing when you eat what you grow. Culling is a part of homestead life. Decisions have to be made for safety and sanity.

  5. Holly Walker
    Holly Walker says:

    YUMMY!!! Try making some potato cakes with leftover mashed potatoes-my grandmother would triple her mashed potatoes just for the leftovers!!!! This looks and sounds fantastic!

  6. Lynn Young
    Lynn Young says:

    ??? Wondering what brand and strength of solar charger you switched to for your fencing. We have one hooked up to the house electric, and then 2 solar energizers from Premier One like you had previously. I'd like to switch to a better solar energizer because the smaller ones don't hold a good charge in winter, but I need them because where I have the animals I can't run an extension cord!

  7. Bobby Baldeagle
    Bobby Baldeagle says:

    Our freeze drier like yours puts off a lot of heat when it's running. So we put ours in the unheated breeze way. Being she runs it a lot in the colder months it keeps the breeze way nice and warm…
    Just think about all the heat it gives off before you use it in the pantry. Just a thought… We love our freeze drier best money we ever spent….

  8. Jean Holdstock
    Jean Holdstock says:

    That looks so good! Watching you serve it onto your plates, I suddenly became aware that I need to learn how to clean drool out of my keyboard!!! lol 🤣
    Your videos are always a pleasure to watch, thank you all so much for sharing your life with us 💖

  9. klcpca
    klcpca says:

    My kids always "tease" me about my lumpy potatoes… hey, at least ya know they're real!!! And I add mayonnaise into my potatoes instead of sour cream. My daughter-in-law asked me for my recipe…. all I could say was "until it tastes right"!! As a kid, we raised a black angus bull from 2 days old until almost a year…. I totally understand your struggles… once they learn to escape, they keep on trying…. especially when they get to "that age"….

  10. Janet Mom
    Janet Mom says:

    Hey I didn't see the final position of the freeze dryer and stuff… but, you will want to make sure the motor is at the same level or below. I find better results with it below. Just checking…

  11. Karyl Harris
    Karyl Harris says:

    Looks good..BUT..I use all the drippings from the roast to make the gravy. I sometimes add cream cheese, sour cream, garlic powder, and onion powder and of course BUTTER to my potatoes as I'm mashing…very good left over also to make potato cakes.


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