The Whole Foods Plant-Based Way to Women's Health with Dr Nitu Bajekal MD

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12 replies
  1. Jaleen Davis
    Jaleen Davis says:

    The estrogen suppositories my doctor prescribed have gelatin in the ingredients, so I brought them back, thankfully, before using them. Listeners, read to make sure yours don't have animal products.

  2. Indira Jayaraman
    Indira Jayaraman says:

    Great lecture! We Indian vegetarians are lucky since we have grown up with tasty vegan dishes. The only thing is we are most often lare lacto vegetarians and egg vegetarians.
    The moment I understood the science behind dairy from John Mcdougall, last year, I switched to total vegan. I am 65 and a runner and tennis coach. How I love this new transition!

  3. Gidget Manucci
    Gidget Manucci says:

    Dr. Bajekal is truly an EMPOWERING PERSON!
    She makes me feel proud to be a female.
    Thank you for this informative and knowledgeable speaker!
    And what a beautiful SMILE, the doctor owns.

  4. Angela Fischetti
    Angela Fischetti says:

    !!!! Outstanding presentation! How is it possible from one day to another each guest is a smash hit!?! They are and Dr. Nitu Bajekal lights up the screen with her presence, her joy and enthusiasm for the lifestyle, with an encyclopedic knowledge base of info as a wfpb OB/GYN. She answered the Q & As without hesitation and the one answer she didn't have, she immediately responded by saying she would look deeper into it. For a doctor to hand over her presentation slides, without reservation, is rare indeed and her why to do so is to make sure the information reaches as many people as possible. This is a true doctor by definition, a teacher. May her book sell a billion copies! Thank you, Chef AJ, for bringing her to our attention! Namaste.🙏


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