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Chelcie Lynn & Paige Ginn discuss cheating husbands. Prolonged birth control effects, Having ticks in places they shouldn’t be.

43 replies
  1. Savannah Cruthers
    Savannah Cruthers says:

    It says so much about the American education system that we’re taught Oceania is only Australia and not any of the dozens of BIPOC-run countries 😬 like, damn, even the day I learned there was more than 20 countries in Europe was insane

  2. Mandy Taylor
    Mandy Taylor says:

    1:56:49 This call is hilarious! Seriously, how was that really an actual offense (big picture here)? I mean, I'm sure plenty of ppl know the whole, 'oh yeah' connotation for the most part and not just because of this podcast since it's been a thing for several years now… But, I'm just curious exactly how her boss worded the write-up, grammatically. Lol, it's not like a lot of ppl get written up for something like that…☠️☠️ 😂😂😂

  3. Mandy Taylor
    Mandy Taylor says:

    9:35 Okay, in a futile effort to seem special, I feel the need to virtually stand up in the audience, waving my arms about and shouting, "Hell yeah, I'm Slits Only too!!!" 😂😂😂

    Seriously though, Slits Only is the best time you're ever gonna have on Patreon, folks! If you like this, you're gonna love that!! 😂❤❤

  4. Alfonso Contreras
    Alfonso Contreras says:

    That – "he'd rather die than to go to a Tanny show" story – kinda sounds made up.

    Besides that….I love when Chelsea and Maggie reminisce about their past, it's so real and so powerful. I grew up super poor and would take my little brother and sister to friends houses so they'd have a meal or at least a snack sometimes.

    Watching someone become successful who has come from a similar place that I've come from is so awesome.

  5. Colby Kennedy
    Colby Kennedy says:

    I had the same bc Nexplanon and I had to have it removed after a month because it made my hormones so out of control that I was losing my mind. Even after a month the scar tissue had built up so much that the numbing stuff wore off while she was digging it out of my arm and I could feel everything 😩

    Unfortunately my hormones are too sensitive to all forms of birth control but that one was the toughest for me.

  6. Josh m.
    Josh m. says:

    “Top tier tangy twat” as the name make sure you have the sniffers coffee beans like when they smell perfume and cologne so they can rid the first smell from the next 😂 you can’t let the next person get credit for your tangy twat that just carried over to them!

  7. Abundant Amy
    Abundant Amy says:

    To the lady with the nexplanon overdue this is so common I work in a woman’s health department and the things that come in far exceeded the overdue birth control. 3-5 years is what the FDA has approved the length of time but in some countries they use the very same product and have longer time frames we just haven’t approved it yet in the states. One last thing I have found my patients prefer going to a midwife for this kind of thing as they have better beside manners per se. Hang in there you got this we are all rooting for you!

  8. Amanda Gruenewald
    Amanda Gruenewald says:

    Hey hunnies, first time commenting but have watched every episode. Chelsie was in her feels today. Almost every single phone call was so sweet with her. Even her tone today was calming. I hope everyone is doing well love you guys!!

  9. Gabi H
    Gabi H says:

    The caller about the birth control gurrrllll SAME! This shit has been in my arm for 7 years🤦‍♀️😂😂 I’m too scared now to go get it out

  10. Ruthie James
    Ruthie James says:

    Lying to yourself about being super hot works. I deeply hated myself like 3 years ago and now you can’t tell me shit. Go get your eyebrows done, get ur nails did, put on some earrings but do it for yourself. Carrying yourself like you are that bitch makes a huge difference.

  11. Julie Armstrong
    Julie Armstrong says:

    Hey hunnies thank you for the 2 hour episode this made my day I listen to you daily whether podcast or TikTok 😅Chelcie you got me on talking about losing the babies in the future 😢nooooo I can’t think of losing mine either keep love you hunnies ooohhh yeaaaa

  12. SweetHrtmadness !
    SweetHrtmadness ! says:

    Maybe Bret needs a kids sticker chart for when he does better lmao! Definitely needs a notebook like Chelsea to write things down to remind himself, lol… so Brett…. "Do better!"! Love you all!!


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