The Ultimate Chorizo Breakfast Tater Tots | SAM THE COOKING GUY

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Welcome to Tots Week – and what a week it will be! We begin with most excellent breakfast tots – tots, chorizo, cheese and of course green onions.

36 replies
  1. Wes Living
    Wes Living says:

    I can't believe I'm commenting on my favorite YouTube Chef's video from 7 years ago. This is crazy considering I've never seen it. Anyhow, Sam is awesome now and back then 🤪

  2. Noman Rashid
    Noman Rashid says:

    As per your weight, that happened because it seems like you were mostly on a keto diet and you hit the « plateau » that’s normal, don’t let that discourage you, you’re on the right track. That happens because of water weight, just give it time, and you’ll keep losing weight. Hang in there Sam! 👍🏼👏🏼

  3. Brandon Bruce-Lund
    Brandon Bruce-Lund says:

    i got kocked down. his knee hitting ribs that hit 40mhr rail that instant then worse. gl. fuckitye. it took a looooong time to `place` me the`re` too ~~~~~~"t““““rodney." ““““““

    ““““““““`k`ey `board `brok`emn“““`1qaw2

  4. Jose Vega
    Jose Vega says:

    Ok, do me a favor dude I see the type of chorizo that you use. Please do yourself a favor and try PEYTON'S chorizo! I'm from west texas where we've been eating that stuff all our lives! Try it, its way better than the one you use, trust me🤩🤘👌

  5. steve g
    steve g says:

    Metabolism slows down when dieting.. if You're not eating enough, your body sends a distress signal to the brain , shutting things down to maintain life.

    Then you eat and your body gains.

    Happened to someone I know.

    They began eating 6 or 7 small portions daily, and weight went back to normal.( key) small portions.

  6. Christopher Boyd
    Christopher Boyd says:

    When you dont eat you also don't shit! And the body provides waste almost no matter what! However it's natural for the body to go right after eating!!! Hence why you may have gained instead!!

  7. James Usselton
    James Usselton says:

    I LOVE YOUR SHOW THE BEST IS WHEN YOU AN MAX & OTHER GUY YOUR GREAT WHEN ITS JUST YOU TOO . Annyway your weight can fluctuate up to 1 to10 lbs during the day even if you DONT eat thats why DR. will tell you cheack ones a week NOT EVER DAY 1 or 2 weeks exciting for you 2 weeks is the best.


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