The Strangest Recipe I’ve Ever Done. | Emperor Bulblax

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I’ve done a lot of interesting recipes, but so far this has to take the cake as my strangest request yet, the Bublax Tongue Stew.

36 replies
  1. Pikkai
    Pikkai says:

    Maybe it was strange, but it sure was tasty. Thank you all for being here, I seriously appreciate all the warm comments and constant support 💛You guys are what keep me going with this!

  2. Wing Belt Creations
    Wing Belt Creations says:

    As a person about to cook a Kidney for the first time, it's pretty cool to see another organ based dish. Combining Pikmin with cooking videos is activating all the right neurons. You sir, have earned by subscription 10 times over.

  3. Gio Di Russo
    Gio Di Russo says:

    Fantastic recipe! I love trying offal and would love to adapt this for myself!

    FWIW, depending on where you live Latin grocery stores may have tongue at a lower price than delicatessens or butcher shops. There's a discount grocery store in a majority-Latino area near me that has tongue for a similar price to pound as chuck roast.

  4. Kei
    Kei says:

    it's always bizarre when i hear someone talking about how this or that type of food is exotic or something of the like. i live in ecuador and here people eat cow tongue in stews and such pretty frecuently

  5. Venomous Socks
    Venomous Socks says:

    The way you describe beef tongue does sound pretty delicious. I'm not really picky about what I eat, apart from bugs. I haven't eaten them, and I hope I never have to, but my stomach churns at the idea of biting into a crunchy shell to eat what I imagine is a tiny amount of slimy meat.

    Edit: 3:02 Did you manage to rescue that garlic slice?

  6. awful clown
    awful clown says:

    it's pretty out there but i think a scorchcake could be a fun outdoors activity–in "earth" terms i'd liken it MOST to a grilled mollusk of some sort, you could have a fun twist with making the shockcake variant more akin to an escargot preparation since it mentions butter and green liver paste (which realistically could just be parsley and garlic butter)

  7. TheLocomono9
    TheLocomono9 says:

    Chef tip: pretty much perfect for the tongue stew. Definitely something you don’t need to worry about knife cuts for. Though if you like those types of gravy mixes I have to recommend Japanese curry blocks. Essentially the same concept but a bit more bang for your buck

  8. Surge Co. Channel
    Surge Co. Channel says:

    When I was little, my grandma would buy deli-sliced beef tongue for me. It's really good, you just have to take the plunge (most people might be averse to eating a tongue) Can't really find it nowadays. I'd love to try some again for old time's sake.


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