The SIMPLEST way to eat HEALTHY this year is THIS

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If you are trying to get more fruit and veggies into your diet, you have to try this technique! Meal prep does NOT have to be “eating …

50 replies
  1. Annette Moore
    Annette Moore says:

    Challenge. I’m not consistent with meal prep and a challenge would be great. I have done several variations of meal prep and prepping my veggies has been the most effective. Looking forward to this. I love your videos BTW.

  2. Samantha Rose
    Samantha Rose says:

    Happy New Year Maddie 🥳🥰 challenge..! Batch prepping vegies has been a game changer for me. From following your channel I have learnt soooooo much 🙏 making meals and snacks are much easier now and way less stressful 💞

  3. David's Allotment
    David's Allotment says:

    Another inspirational and motivating video from the awesome Maddie 👌 Yes it certainly is a challenge eating healthy especially with the increasing prices of groceries. A food prep challenge would be welcome & appreciated Maddie. Love 🥰 the video and love 💕❤Maddie & Q.

  4. junkola4me
    junkola4me says:

    Challenge please 🙂 Food prep has been a game changer for me, and I welcome any and all ideas you have. I love the tips and tricks, being consistent with this is my biggest challenge so sometimes little tweaks here and there are enough to get my bum in action 😉

  5. Amanda Youngs
    Amanda Youngs says:

    CHALLENGE!!! Yes, Maddie, I am so up for this! I moved house last year, and (for understandable reasons that take too long to explain) I have regained all the weight I had previously worked hard to lose. I am absolutely ready to go with batching ingredients and washing/chopping fruit and veg. Just seeing those adorable little clementines already peeled made me happy, so I think you can count me in. I will check out your weight loss video and the video about snacks. This channel is such a helpful resource for us, and I hope it acts as a springboard for your business because it shows a generous spirit to give so much for free at this end of things. I wish you and your family a very happy 2023, cost of living notwithstanding!

    Oh, and thank you for short, actionable videos, instead of long rambly content that doesn't realise I'm pressed for time and really only here to learn things to make my life better. You rock.


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