The Shocking History Of Cereal

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Today, Josh and Nicole explore the shocking origins of a classic breakfast fare and the strange and curious history behind it.

44 replies
  1. Shattered Helix
    Shattered Helix says:

    Didn't they say a while back that they weren't going to do Opinion Casserole on Youtube anymore and that it was just going to be on Spotify and other audio places? What changed? Also, I'm NEVER a cake donut person.

  2. Logan Oliver
    Logan Oliver says:

    Advocate is the term in Scotland still as well. And funnily enough, when you are a junior training to be an advocate you are called a devil. Some claim the "devil's advocate" was a reference to the senior lawyer purposely taking an opposing view to force the training lawyer to prove their argument and develop their skills

  3. Kari Hughes
    Kari Hughes says:

    The Sherman Oaks Whole Foods totally does look like a house! Ha, I hadn't ever thought of that, but it's true. I haven't lived there in a decade but remember going there fondly!

  4. bossmt2
    bossmt2 says:

    Donuts are not always deep fried. I specify deep fried because often you have to well coat a donut pan with oil so you get an oven fry if yhou will when you bake them off. Most restaurants/bakeries fry their donuts because it's faster. A cake donut will take like 3 minutes or so to fry, vs like 9 minutes or so to bake. SO your output will be much better.

  5. Humori
    Humori says:

    im so confused about joshes pee bottle friends. i either don't have a large enough friend group to tap into this demographic or josh has something that attracts pee bottle people

  6. Amina Fae
    Amina Fae says:

    So so glad you seem to have decided to keep "opinions are like casserole" on youtube. I dont listen to enough podcasts to leave Youtube to finish listening, but I do want to hear it.

  7. carlyemery95
    carlyemery95 says:

    Entenmann's donuts are fried – there is a video in the factory where they are fried and flipped half way. Regardless on that, donuts are delicious, Mom and Dad stop fighting lolšŸ˜¢

  8. Marklar3
    Marklar3 says:

    Anyone looking for collagen, save your money, go to your local asian market or butcher and get a pound of chicken feet for under $5 and follow any stock recipe. The carcass of a rotisserie chicken, or some wings balance out the chicken flavor, then just use whatever aromatics your recipe call for. Add ginger for extra gut health. It should thicken up in the fridge and it will yield way more servings than a smoothie. Most professional ramen recipes use feet because the collagen thickens the soup.

  9. Hell NZ
    Hell NZ says:

    Is calling a house-share/flatmate a room-mate an american thing? That definitely sounds like they're sharing a room, which has always seemed really odd. Maybe it's something like the weird "I could care less" instead of "I couldn't care less"?

  10. Ryan D
    Ryan D says:

    In elementary school my friend put me onto the Salami Pickle , a Pickle Spear with Salami wrapped around it… much different than a marshmallow. But still worth a try trust me lol

  11. Ryan Aspelund
    Ryan Aspelund says:

    Itā€™s wild that one of the biggest causes of discourse in this community is Nicoleā€™s refusal to accept that cake donuts are indeed fried. Love you Nicole, but even Entenmannā€™s calls their donuts ā€œdonut cakesā€ since theyā€™re baked.

  12. Phanein
    Phanein says:

    It seems that everywhere else got the expensive meats and their eggs are still expensive but I got expensive cereal. People complaining about $10 cereal when I was just at Walmart and paid $7.23 for a box of cocoa pebbles. I imagine if their cereal did take off well enough to mass produce then they'd lower the price but companies charge out the butt for small batch orders. I can't imagine more than 10k of the overall 10-or-so million unique subscribers in the GMUniverse would be buying the cereal.

  13. D'Arcy
    D'Arcy says:

    I grew up in Battle Creek in the 80's. Here are a few fun facts you may enjoy. On Halloween, people who worked for the cereal companies gave out mini boxes of cereal. Some mornings, you would wake up to the smell of Froot Loops or Corn Flakes. 7th Day Adventist had great health food stores, better bulk food, and supplement selection than Whole Foods. Every kid went on a field trip to Kellogg's to see how cereal was made.

  14. shadebug
    shadebug says:

    Scotland still calls its lawyers advocates. In England you can be a solicitor advocate which is a solicitor with right of audience to present cases directly in court

  15. Je Or
    Je Or says:

    In Quaker country. They exist. Just pretty under the radar, no horse carts or anything that would make you aware, just closed knit and value privacy/blending in/doing good works anonymously. Quakers also do a lot of charity work around here on the hush, and they are very anti-attention with their good works and i reapect that a lot. Nothing is perfect and experience varies but that has been mine.


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