The Rise of the Occult – What Exorcists See

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In recent years we have been seeing a rise of diabolical problems in the lives of many people and in our world. There are several …

20 replies
  1. Claudia Carlsen
    Claudia Carlsen says:

    I keep a blue canning jar of holy water next to my computer screen (holy water in fonts always evaporates so quickly). As soon as I remember, I immediately bless myself and this is my ritual. With the holy water, I bless myself saying "In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Then I trace the sign of the cross on my forehead (in remembrance of my baptism and confirmation), and continue to pray, "By this holy water + and by Thy Precious Blood, wash away all my sins, O Lord, and the sins of the souls in Purgatory. May they rest in peace. Amen." I've been doing this for 32 years. I pray that my holy water prayer ritual blesses you also.💦 Bless yourself as often as you want to.

  2. Jardin de la Joie
    Jardin de la Joie says:

    Occult is really on the rise and there seems to be aggressive advertising for it. I was watching Michael Knowles' show with a former witch as guest and this ad of an academy for the occult came up- it looked like a Harry Potter movie trailer.

  3. Brad David
    Brad David says:

    People , the Occult is Sorcery, which is RX and Illegal drugs, RX kills more then Illegal. Pharma is Occult. High Blood Pressure kills NO one. , High Cholesterol will not kill you. Pray, try to eat Organic or home grown food. Exercise. Stop worshiping fear thru the Pharma Occult. 90% of so called "smart" University students are on legallized Meth Adderall , and many Parents are on it as well. Bing Drinking thru the roof among university students. We never followed mask mandates nor did the non science 6ft distance, or shelter at home. There will be more to come Stop living in fear and believing the Propaganda Fake News, the worst Satan on Earth!

  4. Sheila Lachcik
    Sheila Lachcik says:

    During Covid, we had a priest in our diocese, who would always sprinkle us with Holy water at the beginning of mass since Holy water was removed from the fonts. I thought that was an amazing and creative way to get around the issue and provide holy water to the parishioners. ❤

  5. Armen Chakmakian
    Armen Chakmakian says:

    One of the parishes I attend in San Antonio TX still has the hand sanitizer dispensers that they feel with holy water. They have electric candles too. There’s something very disconnecting about pushing a button to “light” a candle for prayer.

  6. Joan
    Joan says:

    Pray for people in Southern Africa. Confession is the most difficult Sacrament to access in my country. Messages are left saying phone to make an appointment for confession and the phone is no.longer operational.

  7. Carl Strehlow
    Carl Strehlow says:

    Apparently, in Australia, there is a report in the secular newspapers like the Herald Sun, that people who worship the Devil is on the rise in the country. The state of Victoria is becoming the satanic capital.

  8. Ann Byrne
    Ann Byrne says:

    I'm just home from Medjugorje and as I listened to the podcast, I was cleansing my home from items from Harry Potter, dad's with magic etc. I've sprinkled Holy water and prayed to the Lord to bind anything that may have entered my home through my ignorance and misunderstanding. Thank you Jesus 🙏

  9. Mary Underwood
    Mary Underwood says:

    Has he not heard of Encounter Ministries in Brighton MI for teaching and equipping Catholics to serve in ministries of healing etc? Damian Stayne in the UK. Iris Global in the Protestant side? Global Awakening. Bethel Redding. God is doing all kinds of miracles through the Church. The Catholic Charismatic Renewal. Even Prairie Fire Ministries in Des Moines Iowa with a monthly healing service at the diocesan cathedral. Christian Healing Ministries in FL.


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