The Power of Elimination! With @Beautifulbiomes

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This week on The Raw Intuition Health Show, I’m very excited to be joined by the amazing Cecelia Leibovitz @beautifulbiomes !

13 replies
  1. @extropiantranshuman
    @extropiantranshuman says:

    I saw you had questions about the dry fasting around 30:00. I have a page on my personal website (in my bio) dedicated to fasting, because people were so interested. See I really haven't talked about my dry fasting to anyone – because I feel people could take it the wrong way and possibly either discredit it or take up upon it and do it the wrong way. I've kept it hidden for a long time, but have done it for much of my life. Since there's so many questions about it – my personal website potentially has answers. I'm not here to be giving medical advice or anything – just help people understand – so that they can sort through their thoughts before anything bad happens out of ignorance. If it gets to a point where there are lots more questions than answers – then of course I don't mind talking about it by being a guest on your show or something – who really knows. It's just for me, it's more about educating to keep problems at bay with insights, than live in fear to avoid failing in the first place.

  2. @jennifermctigue1575
    @jennifermctigue1575 says:

    ?????? Cecilia !! Super exciting to listen in at this space. WOW
    ? – for those of us not raw what are the first few things I could do as a little shift toward consistent diet change.
    Lotsa love ! ALOHA 🌸

  3. @extropiantranshuman
    @extropiantranshuman says:

    16:33 same with me and wheat – I feel it causes many health issues – especially with the mouth (gum issues, I presume it could even lead to teeth falling out – because I saw someone who ate lots of wheat have that happen to them. I don't know 100% – because they ate lots of foods, but since wheat damages nerves and the gums – I could presume that could've had an influence for sure), brain, gut, joints, blood, etc.

  4. @extropiantranshuman
    @extropiantranshuman says:

    somewhere before 13:27 I agree that cane sugar is some of the most detrimental of foods to human health – if it's not in whole form. I believe if you chew on the sugar cane a bunch – that's acceptable – because the fibers from the sugar cane clean your teeth – not to mention is very spongy – so if you eat it – you're not likely to absorb as much sugar. Then again – there's lots of fiber in the sugar cane too that you might ingest. It's just the purified, condensed form that is the worst – but in whole form – it takes hours to consume what is in condensed form – and by then – it won't spike your blood sugar. Same with fruit – the whole form works much better than a purified form.

  5. @extropiantranshuman
    @extropiantranshuman says:

    1320 I heard Brittany Murphy possibly died of that – so I believe it's important to do mold testing before moving into any new location. They show up where there's moisture – so showers especially have it.

  6. @extropiantranshuman
    @extropiantranshuman says:

    about the red light, blue light stuff – I used to have a hydroponic garden in my room – and it had both white, blue, and red light. I didn't have the one that has the remote control app for the phone, but they do let you modify the amount of light it gets (since it has LED grow lights). It would be something to have the ability to modify if it has more red or blue light too (if it doesn't already) – so that your body can be exposed to the light it needs when it needs it. I heard blue light is good for the start of the day. I'm guessing red light is more for the middle of the day, because the medcram youtube channel explained how infrared light especially bounces off green and blue colors most – and plants are green. This has health benefits for us – with melatonin regulation, etc. I'm not sure what light is supposed to be for night time, but my research so far says red light. Actually the sleep foundation website supports my research too. Like her, I too have a salt lamp in my room and it gives off red light when plugged in too. Not sure if our lighting schedules are beneficial for plants too – I heard plants have circadian rhythms like us and I heard we might've potentially inherited genes from plants for this (not 100% of course), so maybe what helps us helps them when growing – and so there can be a symbiosis of growing plants in one's room – to coexist with plants that way. (possibly?)

  7. @extropiantranshuman
    @extropiantranshuman says:

    I was working on my vegan projects while watching – I'm new to the scene, but I'll get better and pay more attention. Hope to meet everyone next week and all the weeks afterwards as long as it lasts. I really love raw food when it is spot on – the flavors, colors, creativity, connecting with plants, etc. – so great!


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