The Potato Cleanse – DAY 2 – Fat Free Vegan Gravy + How I Saute Veggies Without Oil

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41 replies
  1. wholly mary
    wholly mary says:

    Derek if you want to have higher levels of stomach acid eat more raw leafy green and raw live green food in general, this will give you the enzymes you need as well, it will take 2 week of green drinks but it will happen and alkalize your body then the acne cannot survive

  2. Ambers Lil Rose
    Ambers Lil Rose says:

    It’s hard when you have to cook for your family, and they don’t really want to be vegan.. my husband wouldn’t mind so much, but he loses weight SO fast on a vegan diet, despite eating a ton.. (he is already trim, and physically active) Not to mention, he hates beans, and pretty much all vegan “go-to” foods…..:/ He was very restricted as a kid, so now he can’t stand “staple” foods.. I want to do the potato cleanse (been vegan for about 6 weeks now) but I don’t have the time or energy to prepare/cook separate foods for he/our daughter and myself… any suggestions? (I do prepare ahead of time, but it also takes a lot of time.. and I am extremely low-energy/fatigued.. 🙁

  3. Erica Patterson
    Erica Patterson says:

    Omg your dog and his little underbite! My dog has an underbite too but all of her front bottom teeth stick out all the time. There is literally like an inch difference between her top and bottom jaw (:

  4. hellyeah
    hellyeah says:

    My body detox alright I threw up this morning. It probably was too overwhelming for my body because I was eating meat not long ago and than I started eating potwoes straight with oat milk in the morning

  5. TheSin Stream
    TheSin Stream says:

    I just started on this diet so I'm watching all your vids. WHY didn't I pay attention the first time?! lol Your transformation has been AMAZING. Any advice for ppl like me that are just starting out on the potato diet? btw..Are you in Tucson? I used to live there, now I'm in Vegas. I didn't know you were that close to me!


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