The Nature of Monster Hunter Rise – The Forbidden Episode | Ecology Documentary

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50 replies
  1. Oceaniz
    Oceaniz says:

    Be sure to stick around until after the credits ;D


    00:00:00 – Intro
    00:01:42 – Entry 1
    00:08:13 – Entry 2
    00:21:12 – Entry 3
    00:45:42 – Entry 4
    00:51:39 – Entry 5
    01:16:45 – Entry 6
    01:37:28 – Entry 7
    01:55:56 – Entry 8
    02:10:03 – Entry 9
    02:24:34 – Entry 10
    02:38:02 – Entry 11
    02:52:00 – Credits
    02:53:58 – Epilogue

    Subtitles are processing and should be available shortly!

    – The order of some events is changed compared to the game's plot. Namely, Amatsu appears WAY earlier, both for pacing and as a reference to the fact that it was at some point intended for Base Rise.
    – Everything said here about the Qurio and their lifecycle is canon, with one exception: It is not confirmed that Risen Elders are a precursor state to a full symbiosis – the game says nothing about how they fit into the process.

  2. Nikolai
    Nikolai says:

    The variation Scarlet feast is majestic, it would have been cool if the real scarlet feast only played during the first two stages of affliction, then Proof of a Hero during the Bloodening stage and the variation of scarlet feast when he is normal

  3. TheLLLinkinpark1
    TheLLLinkinpark1 says:

    Again, amazing work. You keep improving. Love the personality you gave the hunter, telling the story. You show what potential a true authentic monster hunter movie could have. I especially thank you for bringing so much more interesting details about narwa and ibushi. When I first played through base rise and sjnbreak I loved the designs of them, but was disappointed about their background, but you kindled my passion for these two. Great job all around! I love to witness the work of someone who shares the love for this franchise 😁👍

  4. JanusHoW
    JanusHoW says:

    Okay, so full review time.

    Good Gog, this is amazing. It blows anything else MH-related that you've done completely out of the water.

    -You not only explained the Forbidden Monsters, but wrote an extremely compelling narrative. The narrator gradually (and realistically) developed into a better person – going from a musclebound brute who valued only his own strength while viewing monsters as little more than challenges and potential trophies to an intellectual who understands the value of friendship, and that monsters are feeling creatures with their own wills and desires.

    -The MHW Forbidden Episode gave me chills , but this one gave me feels. The revelation for the Hunter that many of these elder dragons are not only sapient but deeply emotional was awesome. My particular favorite parts of this aspect were when you talked about the dragons' eyes in a given moment, and the emotion conveyed in them – Narwa's round eyes after the narrator sliced open her pregnant belly, and Primordial Malzeno's plea for help in its struggle to resist the Qurio.

    -On a related note, I like how you used eyes (particularly the closing of them) in a very compelling way. It's hard to exactly describe, but it was wonderful how you did it.

    -I like how these are not just fight scenes – even if those are the most interesting parts – but it includes some of the beats of the original story, albeit heavily changed. You also gave Utsushi a prominent role, and he probably deserved more of one overall. I even liked how you made them end up as roommates at the end (or possibly more).

    -The fight scenes seemed more realistic compared to actual gameplay – many of these fights were settled in as little as a single solid hit rather than a long struggle. I will admit that the narrator beheading the Apex Zinogre with one hit was pretty badass (albeit brutal, and Utsushi rightly reacted as such) but the Mezaporta Hunter essentially 1HKOing Flaming Espinas with ESPINAS DUAL BLADES was even more so.

    -I like how you made the exploding, rocket-propelled Dragonators feel a lot more effective than they are in game, making the fact that Gaismagorm still tanked them even more worrying. It makes me wish even more that we got a Hazard Gaismagorm quest – alas, the final two Event Quests are hunts against Malzeno+Magnamalo and Scorned Magnamalo+Primordial Malzeno.

    -I even like how you depicted the Qurio plague after Gaismagorm as a semi-realistic epidemic – first escalating with progressively more powerful monsters getting infected, then with cases dropping when Risen elders became the primary focus of the Anomaly Research Lab, until finally reducing their numbers to the point where they could literally see in the end in sight with Primordial Malzeno becoming the unwilling true host of the last batch of Qurio.

    I could see this not just being a movie, but a fully fledged animated series, with each "entry" coinciding with an episode or entire arc. For example:

    -An episode during the Qurio Plague arc where the narrator (and possibly a female hunter) finds some female Mizutsunes gathering in the Shrine Ruins, only for an Afflicted male to show up looking to establish a harem in spite of being in horrible agony, and the hunters having to slay him before the Qurio start infecting the females.

    -An episode featuring TeaCommonShark's OCs Reku (a smaller-than-average Rathalos) and Ahana (a larger-than-average, heavily scarred Gold Rathian). They get accosted by an Afflicted Silver Rathalos who is trying to drive away or kill Reku, and then forcibly mate with Ahana, but the hunters kill the Afflicted Silver to prevent the disease from spreading. In one scene, I imagine the grateful Rathalos allows the hunters to see its nest, and after some coaxing from her mate, Ahana allows them to see their hatchlings, which are a mix of regular Rath, metal Raths as well as halfway-between chicks. If Bahari is there, cue him losing his mind with excitement.

    Anyway, amazing work. 9001/420 stars, would watch repeatedly.

  5. EspinasYT
    EspinasYT says:

    Took me a few days to even finish this video and MAN… The MH community really brings out the best in people! Congrats to you and everyone else for crafting this passionate, informative, MAGICAL story!

  6. Ulta Nagenki
    Ulta Nagenki says:

    This is what a monster hunter movie should strive for.

    I can't even describe how good this way. I think the single best monster hunter story ever, and it's not even from the team themselves.

    Great work Ocean, you've made your mark here.

  7. Faetality
    Faetality says:

    I love how the hunter ended up basically retiring and end up living in Kamura with Utsushi. Living happily in the place where he was supposed to start over is such a great way to end it off and hope you'd make more videoslike this in the future! 🥰🥰🥰

  8. gala
    gala says:

    I truly hope you're proud of the great work you've done with this video, as you well should be! You've done a lovely job making this character feel believable and his arc feel satisfying- I am usually sad when a battle-loving character hangs up their weapons, but you made it feel so natural for this character. Even in the early parts of his arc, but especially with primordial Malzeno, you made his emotional connections to the monsters feel like they could believably challenge him in ways he isn't expecting, make him stop and think about what he's doing for once…and then eventually, he finds thinking all the time even more thrilling than turning his brain off to hit lizard with stick. Thank you so much for producing this story, you did a wonderful job <3

  9. Kelaidochrome
    Kelaidochrome says:

    This story is absolutely moving and phenomenal. Your Monster Hunter videos are my go-to when I see "The biology of monster hunter" as I love the documentary-style videos, and yet I couldn't wait for yet another story-driven one… and it did not disappoint. This, along with your Monster Hunter World Redacted episode, almost feel like theyre opposites – with the comparison of many of those elder dragons to monsters, beasts, and horrid inhuman things. This one makes them out to not only be animals – but intelligent creatures, capable of thought and family and emotion. It's a narrative I greatly enjoy and greatly appreciate.

    Absolutely amazing episode <3

  10. The Guardian
    The Guardian says:

    This is truly, the greatest piece of literature I have ever heard, the journey of our hunter from killing innocent fauna to protecting even the most powerful beings from the virus itself

    You are now officially the greatest content creator of Monster Hunter of all time, no words can describe how truly amazing this video is, it truly is your magnum opus

    I am grateful where such a person like you exists while I am alive in this world, you really increased my love for this franchise and your content, Thank you.

  11. Noxius-Nihil.
    Noxius-Nihil. says:

    This is so well written, such a deep story with excellent character evolution, the final is awesome too I shaked a bit to be honest. Yeah dude you made me shake hahah

    As a french, sometime I have to focus a lil more to understand sometimes but however your quality of speach your voice and your narration make everything clear and overall perfect <3


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