The Knitting Pickle Podcast – Ep 27 – Entering my colourful phase plus 2 year celebration discount!

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37 replies
  1. Emma Gudge
    Emma Gudge says:

    I’ve recently turned my “should’s” into “could’s”. So I could do some knitting or I could do the washing up. It’s helped me to take the pressure off.

    Absolutely love the sweater pattern and the yarn. Will definitely be getting some John Arbon yarns in the near future. ❤

  2. Ally In Sweatpants
    Ally In Sweatpants says:

    This was such a pleasure to watch ❤ I love getting to sit down and knit with you. I am SO glad to hear that you are doing a lot better and protecting yourself. There is nothing like feeling level again after however long of not feeling that way

  3. Hammie
    Hammie says:

    Hi Laura! So happy that you’re doing better ❤️ your channel brings joy to so many people, and I am blessed to be a part of your community! Thank you for being so vulnerable & honest with us.

    I apologize if I missed it, but is there an update on the Midland Cardigan? I know you’ve got a lot on your plate, so no pressure! just curious ☺️

  4. marie.tronjen
    marie.tronjen says:

    I loved this episode, Laura! Okay, I basically love every single one of your videos. I needed a break today and got cozy on the sofa with my knitting while watching. It always feels like knitting with a friend.:)
    I also loved your thoughts on Instagram. I've always been struggling with my social media consumption and am currently learning why I do that. Maybe I will try staying away from it in the morning like you.

  5. Cyndy Lee
    Cyndy Lee says:

    Your little scallop striped sweater for your daughter is absolutely beautiful! I have purchased the Strange Brew sweater as well but have not used it yet. Thank you for the suggestions and comments about that pattern to become better at knitting sweaters, but also the tips you mentioned with it as well. I have a special needs daughter who is tiny (wears a size 10/12 in girls) and is very knit worthy. I have been making more sweaters for her to keep her warm, as she gets cold easily and they help with that. Also, I hope you will do a pattern for your lovely blanket, as I love it and would like to make one for myself as well. However, do what feels right for you in that regard. You have to take care of yourself and your family first. I really think you have lovely designs.

  6. Lindsey White
    Lindsey White says:

    Laura, I'm so glad things are looking up for you, I've been quite worried about you, but didn't quite know how to put it into words that didn't sound corny or cliched! Once again, thank you for being so frank with us as you've discussed your mental health issues, and how it has made you feel.
    Sending lots of love to all of you there xxx

  7. Karen Davis
    Karen Davis says:

    Various thoughts: The phone did a beautiful job of filming so no worries. Bravo! Raising your children is the most important job! Thanks for being vulnerable and getting real. Your designs are amazing. That is true but don’t let yourself lose the joy because of them – keep your knitting fun!

  8. Liz Whaley
    Liz Whaley says:

    I was not aware of the Strange Brew Recipe – this is revolutionary! You're a terrible influence 😂 I wasn't planning on spending any more money on knitting for a while. Congratulations on two years!! Woohoo!! I love your channel. Each video brightens my day!

  9. Paula M.
    Paula M. says:

    Laura I have to make the "cross hatch" sweater. Can't wait for it to come out! It's perfect. Just enough patterning. ❤ Yes, please procrastinate and write up pattern for the cute blanket for all of us. 😂 Penny's room came out adorable.

  10. TheKindle’s
    TheKindle’s says:

    I love Penny. My son, Tucker was watching (7 ) and he goes "she's so cute!" Its always adorable to watch little ones meet and watch each other. I love the blanket, Laura, and the grown up sibling sweater. The blanket would be the perfect advent calendar. I would happily test the blanket for you and the sweater. Your daughter's room is the sweetest! You have a beautiful way with colors. Trading one thing (addiction/obsession, etc.) for for another is hard. I know that's so simply said. Your personal update is just so real and spot on I think for so many, especially as a mommy too. Biggest responsibility and I feel that every day…hugs. Take good care! – Kimberly

  11. Earl Grey Knits
    Earl Grey Knits says:

    Also seeing Penny ALWAYS makes my day. My husband and I are currently pregnant with our second boy and I so wish I could have a little girl. She's just too cute for words. It's a running joke among our friends that my husband and I will keep trying for a girl and end up with a whole football team of boys instead. 😂 It tends to happen that way in our family.

  12. Earl Grey Knits
    Earl Grey Knits says:

    You could always consider adding short rows in the ribbed collar. I've done that a few times to avoid disrupting color work or cables and it's always worked really well for me. It's also something you would add after the fact. Even if the blouse was worked top down, since it's rib, the direction won't be noticed much, you'd just want to pick up in the space between the stitches rather than at the stitches to make it work. Just food for thought. 🙂

  13. Jo-Anne Falconer
    Jo-Anne Falconer says:

    Hi I have been away for a bit and coming back to this episode I am pleased that you are in a good place you have a great family and your incites into your mental health and your relationship with Social media is inciteful. Yes changing your point of view is easier to say than it is to do. We are all works in progress. I really appreciate your honesty . I am happy to be back with the old Laura. 💖💝

    I do really love your Blanket. I must finish the one in progress so hope you will eventually write the pattern. 🧶🧶🧶🪡🪡🪡 love the wears Wally Jumper it would look good in your design the lavender stripy one.

  14. The Mani Café
    The Mani Café says:

    Ok I haven't even finished the podcast yet but just had to come say wow at the sibling cardigan and the mermaid sweater (no pressure obviously but your projects are always so fun to see and hear about!). Ive got my coffee and ready to watch the rest now <3

  15. Kayleigh van IJzendoorn
    Kayleigh van IJzendoorn says:

    Hearing you say you hate working (for a boss) is so refreshing! I hate hate hate working too. Since becoming a mom I realised I would kill to be a stay at home mom. To give my daughter what I missed. Unfortunately I am not in that position financially, but If I was I would. But even thinking that I feel like I am a lazy person, which is STUPID because being a mom is such hard work!

  16. sc00badive
    sc00badive says:

    I hope you do write the pattern for the blanket, because I have no idea what you're describing when you explain how you did the squares. I love that blanket!

  17. Lorraine Walker
    Lorraine Walker says:

    Love the new sweater 😍😍😍cross hatch. Sooo lovely. The blanket is gorgeous too. Very vintage muted colours, right up my street.
    Great podcast Laura, thanks for sharing . Enjoy the John Arden tour , look forward to the vlog ❤x

  18. Blair Destro
    Blair Destro says:

    Ohhh, tears. As Penny comes in at the hour mark and is so cute I'm all teary now because I'm sending my baby off to college very soon. She's always adorable, thanks for letting her have a few moments.

  19. Deborah Jones
    Deborah Jones says:

    Your honesty around your mental health struggles strikes to the heart but at the same time allows others to know they’re not alone ❤
    Sending you much love and best wishes and hopefully you’ll continue to feel more positive every day xxx

  20. Susan Bossung
    Susan Bossung says:

    Laura, you make such beautiful designs that we all want everything written up as your patterns. You are a wonder! You are a fab mom, fab knitter, and fab designer. Give yourself kudos from all your fans. It was so lovely to see a podcast from you Penny is a doll. Everything you make for her is darling and I want to make for my granddaughter. Thanks for designing, giving us such gorgeous things to knit.


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