The GROUND BEEF and Potato Stew Dinner Everyone should learn how to make, Easy Ground Beef Recipe

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Make sure that you have the bell turned on, so you will definitely not miss any of our videos!! Happy Ground beef Stew making!

25 replies
  1. Nathan
    Nathan says:

    Literally just found your channel getting a handle on Achiote paste and how to use it. Stumbled across an older video. Really appreciate the recipes you're sharing, the passion and good vibes. Great channel, excited to watch more and add to my own rotation of meals.

  2. Mike Wilson
    Mike Wilson says:

    This looks great! Ground beef or "hamburger" stew has always been my favorite. Traditionally in southern hamburger stew, we use bell peppers but, like yours, I prefer hatch or poblano peppers. I add diced tomatoes and most of the time we add additional vegetables like green beans, corn, or carrots.

  3. Ashley
    Ashley says:

    I always click on your videos with the roasted chilis with the thought in mind that you may have used Hatch Green chilis and then it always ends up being poblano or Anaheim peppers. I’m very curious if you prefer these two to hatch? Love your recipes and always want to make them all! ❤


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