The Easiest Cold Brew Ever: 2 Ways

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You should be making cold brew from home instead of paying 4 bucks for a single cup of it. You’ll save a ton of money and you …

38 replies
  1. Damon Young
    Damon Young says:

    Nice video. Joshua reminds me of Jeff at the PressureLuck Youtube channel. Similar mannerisms/style. When I make cold brew I go large, and use 250g of ground coffee in a nut-milk bag, soaked in 3 liters of water. The bag is easily removed and leaves very little coffee particles behind. If I let it sit a day the brew is so strong I have to dilute it 50/50 with water to drink it.

  2. JC Chrome
    JC Chrome says:

    I'm curious about reusing coffee grounds? Are there problems with using hot-brewed grounds immediately after to make a second cold brew from them?

    I've been brewing my own coffee in a Keurig-like machine but instead of using pods, I put the dry grounds into a single-serve drawstring teabag made of cloth. The hot water chugs through the machine into the cup, where I let it steep for a few minutes before removing the bag, then prepping the coffee to my taste and drinking it. I've generally just tossed the bag of grounds afterwards, but last week I decided to test reusing them. I put the used bag into a cup of cold water and stored it in the fridge. I used a clear mug so I could see what was happening with it; It took about a day and a half before it took on a dark color. I then tossed the bag and mixed the coffee up with my milk and sweeteners and it was quite strong and delicious. Perfect as a bottled coffee to take on the go. But–I don't drink coffee everyday, or even every week, so I'm wondering what, if any, concerns there might be in doing this. It seems sanitary enough–the bag goes from hot water straight into cold water and the fridge (a lot like your second method). The bags are one-time use only. And if it stretches the product further–that would seem great. Any reason(s) not to?

  3. Adam Jensen
    Adam Jensen says:

    For filtering, consider pouring hot water through the filter before you filter your coffee, to remove any papery taste. I'm surprised you didn't compare the flavor of the two methods.

  4. Dan BioHacker
    Dan BioHacker says:

    Caffeinated resume:
    Jus put the damn coffee marinate itself into a fvcking jar the day before and squeeze your eyes for 8 to 12 hours while your coffee is making.

    Serve gently and enjoy your calm day 😌


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