The Easiest Chinese Black Sesame Paste (Cheater's Version)

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Black sesame paste is a classic Chinese dessert. Usually ground with rice in a stone mill, this is an easy hack version that you can make any day. All you need …

12 replies
  1. N
    N says:

    What do you guys recommend adding this to? I've only seen it before in 湯圓 but am trying to think of what else I could make this for

  2. Meng Liu
    Meng Liu says:

    According to my mum, toasting the sesame is not essential but is more aromatic. She prefers the un-toasted version as it is supposedly more healthy. As with everything food related.. personal preferences differ for lots of people. My childhood memory of this is the black sesame paste is silky smooth, I have tried making this many many years ago using more traditional methods… it was messy and a lot of work.

    I’m not sure if I would like the grainier version with the peanut butter, may conflict with my childhood memories hahaha. But I’m sure many others would love it… I have seen in some Chinese dessert places where the offer a mix of peanut and black sesame paste.

    A couple of tricks I learnt from my late grandmother.. you can add a small amount of white sesame in with the black to check the browning on the white sesame as a guide for the black sesame.
    My grandma used the chinese brown sugar (in the block form) as it has a richer caramel flavour.


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