The Danger Zone // CARNIVORE DIET🔥DAY 188 // BBBE // August Accountability Challenge

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No matter what low carb diet your eating. Carnivore, Ketovore, Keto or the BBBE challenge, we all face the danger of rewarding …

27 replies
  1. Sue Chandler
    Sue Chandler says:

    Started carnivore the very end of July. Was on 21 days through August, dropped 6 pounds. Only took 2 days to put all 6 pounds back on. Ugh!!! Am back at it already (was only off those 2 days), today is Round 2/Day 4, and am finally spilling ketones again. So unless my weight changes in the next few days, I am presently at a zero loss (also zero gain). Thankful to be able to start again after only 2 days, but wonder if it's because the 6 pounds were back in 2 days. Would I have been off longer if it had taken longer to gain it back? Hmm… makes me wonder…
    Thanks for your story!

  2. Croixntum Magnetics
    Croixntum Magnetics says:

    Humans are strictly herbivore. This is scientific FACT. There is an enzyme in mammals cells that determine what they eat. It is a literal fingerprint for what we eat. It is irrevocable and inexorable. Our teeth aren't designed for meat neither is our jaw or the bacteria in our mouth or our whole digestive system. Its actually worse than smoking cigarettes. Watch a Milton Mills lecture. He will give you the thousands of lines of evidence proving we are herbivore.

  3. marina2mar
    marina2mar says:

    That is quite a challenge… but how do you mean 5000 lbs? I use metric system and that is 2. 267 kg are you sure that was the right number? … Maybe I've missed something?

  4. Mama Poppins
    Mama Poppins says:

    🙋Preach it Brother Larry!!!!
    It is crazy how that temptation just slips right in there.😰😭 THANK YOU for this video….I needed that support. I am still 100% on the Aug plan with nothing sweet and water only.😌 Doing without ☕ has been a bit 😥. I have had a few tempting days the last little bit but I AM keeping that WARRIOR mindset Larry talks about. God Bless you for being so real and honest.
    Love you both so much. Thank you for supporting me/us. NS NC NC👍
    BTW… Mama Cass great substitute idea… buy a smaller 👕(I AGREE).

  5. Linda A
    Linda A says:

    Love you both! Just remember that nothing you can ever taste is as satisfying as ALL of the amazing progress you both have made, physically/mentally/emotionally! We all have cravings. I have bought myself things to reward myself. Non-food celebrations. Have fun whatever you are doing!!!!!🕊🙏💕👊🌹

  6. petersonnl
    petersonnl says:

    You've been 188 days strong with laser like focus. Nobody is going to take away your zero carb diet card. Just get back on your focus and keep it moving. You're not going back to day one. You've made major gains thus far. Just get back up and keep it moving.

  7. Crafty & Carnivore
    Crafty & Carnivore says:

    this is so true! I said I was going to do carnivore for 90 days and I will probably stay on it or maybe ketovore but I was so strict that first month, I just started 3rd month and have had some slip ups. I rewarded myself yesterday for the dumbest thing. I tried liver for the first time, it was 🤮🤢by the way but I wanted something bad a coulple hours later. and I did have the tiniest sliver of keto-ish pie. I realized afterwards I had rewarded myself for trying liver lol. at least I know what I did! down 3 inches and 15 lbs!!! no more cheating!!

  8. Rosehaven Farm
    Rosehaven Farm says:

    One thing I have finally learned is: one slip up doesn't mean I quit.

    My weigh in is Monday morning. I track waist measurement and weight. Minus 2 lbs and 2 inches. Durant seem like a lot, I know, but I like seeing the numbers go down. Slow and steady wins the race. And I overcame horrible cravings, too.

  9. ItalianGoneCarnivore
    ItalianGoneCarnivore says:

    Thanks for posting as you are 'being real' – such an encouragement.
    Milestones or goals – bless someone else! Get someone you love a special gift. Perhaps someone who has supported your lifestyle change. Or, go get a pedicure!
    Trusting that you guys are staying firm in prayer as you proceed with your lifestyle changes. I know I can't even walk without holding HIS hand. 🙏

  10. Pamela Chappell
    Pamela Chappell says:

    Y'all are a breath of fresh air you two are. I am always excited when I see you have a video up and this one definitely didn't disappoint. I have sabotaged myself so many times when I neared or reached my goal. Lots of good stuff to think about' thank you! I hope y'all had a wonderful day and enjoyed every minute. I have no doubt you stayed on plan. Hugs

  11. Martha Ashworth
    Martha Ashworth says:

    Seems I'm having more cravings and weight gain. Trying to help my cousin, she needs to lose about 150 pounds, but she wants me to make sweets and keto friendly dishes… she's losing a pound or so a week, but I'm gaining 😔.

  12. Mandy Beddoes
    Mandy Beddoes says:

    HI GUYS XX i live alone nobody close for carnivore help .everybody eats full western diet. i keep falling so i need you guys x pls take me on your next fast i need a fasting partner x i give up every time i try x

  13. Dr. Linda Manning
    Dr. Linda Manning says:

    Perfect timing! Thank you. I have 9 days left to finish 90 days on BBB&E. I’ve been tempted to quit—not really for carbs—but I’m craving cheese, chicken—anything but bbb&e! What saved me this week is that great chuck roast recipe. Mmmmmm! Thanks for talking about the temptation as you approach a goal.

  14. kimosibin
    kimosibin says:

    I’m gonna be honest, BBB&E is not for me, I’m still doing it, but I hate it! I’m killing it with my exercise goal, 60-90 mins a day on my elliptical, and I haven’t missed one day. When I started carnivore I had gotten to the point I just could not exercise. Now I feel better every day! And I am so motivated to move, I’m like dancing around while doing housework! You two keep me so motivated! I love you two! I know I am not the only one who feels blessed to have found you here! Thanks much! 🙏🏼


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