The Cheapest & Easiest Noodle Dish Ever! Chicken Chow Mein!

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33 replies
  1. Ruteger100
    Ruteger100 says:

    Congrats on the sponsor! Hope you get many more. Is that a new place? It looks nice. I hope you brought the dog with you. I like to see Clair interact with the puppy. I will try this recipe this week. I made your Bibimbap this past weekend, everyone loved it ( 4 for 4 total success) Thanks for all your work. Big fan.

  2. Grover Martin
    Grover Martin says:

    This is such a delicious combination! It had to be fantastic. Problem: what to do about gluten-free noodles? I had a package of Chinese rice noodles in the freezer. Thawed, thrown into boiling water, they floated apart into floating wisps, like a fully blooming eggdrop soup. I quickly scooped the shreds out. They tasted wonderful, but…I don't know what those rice noodles are supposed to be used for, but I suggest not using them for chow mein.🥴 It was delicious, but don't call it chow mein!

  3. Julianne Leung
    Julianne Leung says:

    Wow, love the temporary studio you are using because that is my kind of design and love your kitchen too. Simple and less🤩 (Found out through your comment reply 😂). Always a great chef, Aaron, and a great taster, Claire. 💕

  4. JenS Knows
    JenS Knows says:

    Toasting the noodles is the key here. I would not have thought of that. Thank you for another great recipe. And, I'm with Claire, would love an orange chicken video.


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