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24 replies
  1. karen hone
    karen hone says:

    I just poke a few holes and stick it in the microwave for 15 minutes. 20 if it's a big one. Let it cool enough to handle. Then cut it length ways and scoop out the seeds. Put it on a couple paper towels folded over on a plate. Then start scraping to string up the inside. When that's done, I pour spaghetti sauce inside it. It's Its own bowl. Then add a sprinkle of favorite cheese, garlic salt. Pop back in microwave to heat up sauce and cheese. The paper towel will keep it from sliding around on the plate and soak up any juice from where it was poked. So darn easy and easy clean up !!! Sometimes I add some chopped chicken in it too. Good filling meal. Not alot of calories.

  2. SoundlessRabbit
    SoundlessRabbit says:

    Try the Cuban way, the day prior you crush lots of garlic and put them in a jar with olive oil, next day cut whatever type of squash/pumpkin in chunks, steam them. Then pour that beautiful garlic oil on top with salt to taste chefs kiss

  3. Emily Graham
    Emily Graham says:

    That’s the main reason I don’t cook spaghetti squash more often, thanks for the tip! My roommate and I both have trouble cutting it but we both like it. I have celiac, and it’s a good, healthy alternative to pasta. And my roommate just likes to eat healthy. I will HAVE to try this ASAP!


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