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How can you go wrong with Wagyu beef and fries? This is the BEST Steak Frites, prepare yourself. LINK TO THE ‘LOUIS 4 CHARITY’ SHIRT …

50 replies
  1. AlergicToSnow
    AlergicToSnow says:

    Ok, so is just a habit. We all have them. It’s not that big a deal. You’re just verbalizing a mental pause. It’s hard to carry on a conversation with no feedback. You’re totally forgiven.

  2. Britney Reed
    Britney Reed says:

    Have you ever cooked anything that’s was bad in taste but still film it as if it was delicious? Or is that sworn to secrecy? Lol 😂 btw everything always look f***ing delicious

  3. kenbe62
    kenbe62 says:

    Dude! Enough with the cute!! Just do the recipe and harvest respect.. Update… I got to the Newly Wed Game and yes I know what you're talking about but it has NOTHING to do with cooking. I've had enough. Thanks for the recipe I will look it up online for a better video. Good luck with the Laughing Chef.. It's like watching a schizophrenic Max Headroom on cocaine or something.. Wow..

  4. Molly O'Hara
    Molly O'Hara says:

    We’re going to make a budget version of this on Saturday for dinner. Wagyu is not in our price range so we’re just going to grab a couple sirloins from Tesco’s, and I don’t think I will be able to find fingerling potatoes easily so I am just going to use what I normally do. I make homemade chips a lot but have never put butter on them. I put butter on and in literally everything else, even though I am lacto intol.

  5. قرة العين
    قرة العين says:

    المصري و حمادة و الكندي الشفارة ساقتلكم كونوا امراء او حمير لا اعترف بكم ساندي شكيت له منذ 2009 على اجرامه المصري ارسلت لي لص و مجرم و انت لص اكثر منه اين والدي اريد والدي دمرتوني في المغرب تحقدون عليا و تكرهوني و من سحر لي بالجن يكرهني تامرتم عليا انتم شفارة تريدون سرقتي اين والدي ساندي قل لعاءلتي ان ينقدوني من المجرمين سيقتلوني و ياخذون اموالي شفارة تسلطوا عليا قتلوني و حمادة سممني بالسم بماء وسخ لكي يقتلوني المصري دوما كان يدفعني للانتحار لكي يتخلص مني

  6. Donna-Marie Lopez DiGiacomo
    Donna-Marie Lopez DiGiacomo says:

    I couldn’t care less if I like what you’re cooking or not… although I usually do like it… you’re so entertaining to watch.. and watching you talk about things you think you should change about yourself is so funny… talk about it but do not change yourself… 🙂 love your show..

  7. Toms onfire
    Toms onfire says:

    Thank you!! – I live in La Réunion in the Indian ocean which is an island under French nationality, the wife and I are having friends over this Friday night and I was struggling to decide what to cook, but you have saved me! C'est parfait!

  8. kdwester
    kdwester says:

    Sam: I love your shows… Next time you make a sandwich with bacon, try "weaving" a couple of slices and either bake them or use your flat top with a weight to keep them flat. I cut two pieces in half and weave them together (to make a square that fits perfectly on bread). Awesome!

  9. Eric Scarbrough
    Eric Scarbrough says:

    Can't even find that beef here! I'd give my left nut to eat a 1 1/2" thick wagyu ribeye with the reverse sear method. Wagyu tomohawk omfg, I'm gonna buy a heffer, feed her beer,oats and captain crunch until she pops! I'll call it drunken cattlberry

  10. Eric Scarbrough
    Eric Scarbrough says:

    Sam my homie! I love your love of food,your willingness to make " traditional recipes" with your twist and absorb the hate from the tradidionalists. I consider myself a good cook but you have made me try things that are now a staple to my cooking. I am a big outdoorsman and cook a lot of wild game/fish. Just a request not a demand please do a wild game recipe.Ever eaten elk? I used an elk neckbone using your braised rib recipe! It was organically fantastic. Been a fan for a long time, I tell my wife if we're ever in sandiego we're going to Not Not tacos. My son is 12 and he's always busting my balls about how I fillet walleye or butcher an elk or deer,like he knows wtf he's talking about,he's a to meet you guys some day. Thanks for the channel.


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