The Best Potluck Dessert – In Appalachia

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I’m sharing the dessert I always search the potluck dessert table for: Chess Cake. It was one of my favorite sweet treats at Homecoming, Decoration Day, and …

36 replies
  1. Amber Rial
    Amber Rial says:

    Looking forward to making this for my neighbors birthday. I might actually try it with strawberry cake mix. Tonight is a trial run with the yellow. I loved your cute story 😊 thank you for sharing. Aloha 🍍

  2. Jessika69
    Jessika69 says:

    Funny how we all seem to have made a version of this cake and with different names. I live in East TN now but grew up in WI where we called this "Gooey Butter Cake" lol. Thank you for sharing!

  3. Molly Ringer
    Molly Ringer says:

    I live in New York and I am not familiar with Decoration Day or homecoming but I do have a family reunion coming up in August and I am going to make this thank you for sharing!

  4. Judith Anne Schlipp
    Judith Anne Schlipp says:

    Never tried chess cake but have been meaning to try making chess pie. I assume it's somewhat similar. This looks delicious (what wouldn't be with cream cheese!?). Thank you for sharing the recipe and demo!

  5. Jane Martin
    Jane Martin says:

    This is like Gooey Butter Cake, which I have had. There are many variations–Lemon, Chocolate & Peanut butter, Red Velvet, German Chocolate, etc. You're right, it's an easy & delicious dessert especially for potlucks.

  6. Alfreda Thomson
    Alfreda Thomson says:

    Thank you for sharing your recipe , I made it today the difference was I only had chocolate cake so I used it and I add chopped pecans. It tastes delicious the chocolate tastes like brownies 💜💜💜💜

  7. no bull71
    no bull71 says:

    We call this Buttermilk Pie…at least where I am in South Carolina and some call it a chess pie. I guess this is more of a cake version. I haven't had a chess cake. I mother in law is from Appalachian country in and she has made me the Chess pie. It tasted exactly like the buttermilk one.. Soooo good!! Among my favorites….next to peacan pie.

  8. Tay Katoo
    Tay Katoo says:

    Oh wow does this bring back memories! Trying not to get grass stains on your Sunday dress, bobbing for apples, and Dad trying to escape the preacher at all of those summer picnics. Yes, I had forgotten about this glorious treat. Thank you so much for sharing this! Stay well, God bless

  9. praiseHim1962
    praiseHim1962 says:

    You are so sweet and thanks so much for sharing this!
    My mama always made “Chess Squares” and we still do when we get together. My brother won’t let a gathering take place without them! Love, love, love your kitchen and how warm and welcoming it feels….like I’m sittin’ at your table watching. ❤️

  10. ConstantCompanion
    ConstantCompanion says:

    We call that butter cake. I do mix it up with chocolate. Sometimes I make it like you're making it now, only with a layer of raspberry jam between the layers. Maybe a little bit of flaked coconut or sliced almonds. My brother sent me one for my birthday all the way from St Louis. That was nice. It's a good dessert.


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