The Best Portable Espresso Machine (An Absurd London Day Out)

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Look, I’ll be honest. This started as a silly idea and it got a bit out of hand. This was huge fun to make, and it had some memorable …

43 replies
  1. Kirill Kiryushin
    Kirill Kiryushin says:

    First, I loved the video and production quality! That was ride!))) thank you!

    Second, I do own Picopresso. It was a gift for my birthday on Feb, 2022.
    I was impressed that out of the box from the very first shot on I got a good espresso every time.
    I would argue that for it’s money and the quality that an espresso lover expects Picopresso would be the better choice for its true compact and quite a robust design.
    Also also it is really a nice fun to get an espresso in a weird place)

  2. Nick Gil
    Nick Gil says:

    I've waited eons for you to review the Nomad. I own one and have been very pleased with it but I'm not a coffee nerd, wait sorry aficionado. from a master brewer with an impeccable love of and respect for coffee I wanted to know what you thought of it. I'd hope in a future episode you give it a proper test like you have many of your other machines however for now I have to agree with you. The Nomad has no right being stuck in a bag on an epic multi day backpacking trip, where it shines though is in off the grid living. Whether that be in a cabin, on a sailing yacht, or on a car camping trip which I've heard others call glamping. You're absolutely right the clean up after pulling shots is its its biggest drawback! But if espresso was a human they'd be a very high maintenance one. It's built rock solid so I don't foresee any problems breaking it but it does need a bath near a proper sink.

  3. Reiwas
    Reiwas says:

    Miss my handpresso had to sell mine back then when I was in a bad place and needed money 🙁 it needs some fiddling before you get good coffee with it. The stock basket that comes with it sucks.

  4. E
    E says:

    I recently bought the Flair pro 2 as my first and primary espresso maker. I wouldn't call it portable, but it definitely seems quite capable of making great espresso. Preheating is a challenge with the metal brew group having significant thermal mass. I think it's simple and durable construction at a relatively affordable price point are why it sells. It was great for bringing to a party to make espresso martinis, but the portability for camping or hiking is questionable at best.

  5. hoongfu
    hoongfu says:

    This may be the best, if not the most entertaining video you've made and possibly that I have seen. Hats off to you James. Great to see the goofy smile and seeing you truly enjoy making and drinking espresso on the go and in weird places.

  6. Snook
    Snook says:

    Your best video haha. The pico is very capable indeed, but they should have used aluminium or stainless steel more in the device to make it last forever and become a 'camping' classic that you dont have to replace. The plastic lid is horrible and hard to screw on without spilling hot water on your hand. Surprised you didn't pick up on that, its a known issue.

  7. DJSammyfresh
    DJSammyfresh says:

    James, not sure if you will ever see this, but I just want to say that your content never fails to make me happy. I absolutely love every minute of each of the videos that you release. Your dedication to creating content for this niche (though increasingly not as niche I feel, which is awesome) community is amazing and I am incredibly grateful for the many laughs and hours of entertainment you have provided for us. Thank you.

  8. jp katz
    jp katz says:

    Hmm….. both like and not like the "not in the studio doday" . Maybe this indicates a 2nd set of vids, J H shows us his London, apart from the the coffee vids. He is a terrific presenter. Just realized, very few talks with other coffee experts, that would help expanding, vary and fill out the content.

  9. SticklePrick
    SticklePrick says:

    I have been using my picopresso every day(work during the week and fishing overnight during the weekend) for at least 4 months now and its starting to become a pain. Thread is worn, too much pressure put in for the resulting brew, it leaks and needs to be filled three times to achieve the "long coffee" I like with espresso. So I'm looking to move on, I've owned both the other "presso" products and they both failed after 3 months of daily use each. It seems like wacaco's products don't stand up to the test of time but they are lots of fun to use at first however I am done with these products and will be looking into a nomad.

  10. rs232boy
    rs232boy says:

    Very fun review ! I completely share your thoughts on the Flair, which probably makes the best coffee among the manual and small machines, but is not so portable anymore. Please consider reviewing the Leverpresso. It is similar to the Flair but it is more compact and it has two ways of using it: either with a steel support when you have a table, or in the air with the cup attached. I use it both while hiking and with the support when I have access to a kitchen but not at home. It's also very easy to clean and is pretty cheap.

  11. Alistair Beckett
    Alistair Beckett says:

    I have the Handpresso and get tasty results. They sell a slower screen that helps. Also grinding really fine slows the flow. Fill the basket, well
    tamped, right to the top. I’ve got it to 25 – 30 seconds. I agree, you might need two shots to make a good Americano. Overall, I like it for holidays and any hotel room that only has instant.

  12. Andy Fairchild
    Andy Fairchild says:

    I’ll stick with my Aeropress/aergrind combo for hotel/building site canteen coffees thanks.
    But loved the video. Did anyone else rewind the “I’ve got a bus!” bit, just for laughs? Or just me! 😂

  13. God
    God says:

    I love how John can barely contain his disdain for such a pitiful coffee and how ridiculous and beneath him he considers it. Thats why we love you hoff hog, for your loveable arrogance and general hatred of humanity.

  14. utkua
    utkua says:

    nanopresso with nespresso adapter is something very practical, not great espresso, but justified for the portability and practicality.

  15. Joel Timothy
    Joel Timothy says:

    Fun fact: the video that plays on the Flair homepage is of my boss. I work for a local coffee company in Northwest Arkansas, and have a friend who does a lot of video production, so he made it with the manager of the cafe I work in, who is also a friend.

  16. Jared Wall
    Jared Wall says:

    You may like to review the barsetto tripresso. Very similar to the picopresso you tried here but it has a little bit more refined design and has a built in cup which to me seems even more “portable” friendly.

  17. Marty Bleazard
    Marty Bleazard says:

    Great video. Completely agree, love my Flair but my sound guy didn’t agree with me that it was travel friendly when I shoved it in his bag. But was awesome in those hotel rooms week by week. Been super interested in a picopresso though, could def use that to brew coffee on a plane 😂 if my coffeejack ever ships that might be an option


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