The BEST Peanut Butter Bar You Will Ever Make!

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These Lunch Lady Peanut Butter Bars are the EXACT recipe they once served in schools! These peanut butter bars have a soft, chewy peanut butter cookie …

43 replies
  1. E Hall 17
    E Hall 17 says:

    Hey Kristin, question for you as I have never had these before at my school cafeteria back in the early 90s. Can these guys be made with gluten-free flour/oats?

  2. Derek Niehaus
    Derek Niehaus says:

    Kind of similar to this, we used to have no-bake bars at school with oats mixed in a thick chocolatey concoction. I have tried a few different recipes but can't find one similar enough to please me. If you have a recipe for those, I'd love to see a video on them!

  3. Lora Hargrove
    Lora Hargrove says:

    Thanks for bringing back a memory first time watching you they look very good have a great week and Thanks for the Memories and making me smile and I'm in pain 24/7 so any distraction really helps thank you😇

  4. Lois Lamm
    Lois Lamm says:

    Just a tip ( I have not tried yet) but have been seeing it More and more
    If you put your cocoa in a little warmed liquid before adding….it brings out the chocolate flavor more

  5. Mama to Five
    Mama to Five says:

    Oh yumm!! I’m going to have to try this one! Looks like one I’d want to save for when having guests over…a whole pan just for our family sounds dangerous 😆

  6. CindyRose
    CindyRose says:

    Here in New Mexico they are called “Gold Bars.” They are made with peanut butter, rice crispy cereal, powdered sugar, and chocolate. And omg, these were magic when I was a kid!!

  7. The Baking Diva
    The Baking Diva says:

    Hi, I am drooling! I just love peanut butter and chocolate together. My weaknesses when I go into a store and the candy is by the register and the peanut butter cups are calling my name! LOL Thanks for sharing this with us and until next time… Hugs, Dolores ❤️

  8. Karoo Blue
    Karoo Blue says:

    OMG ….. Deeeelish. How do you stay so slim and lovely looking skin having all that sugar ? I admire those that can enjoy these, lovely to watch you baking these. 🎈

    HOME, HELP & HEART says:

    I'm quite a bit older than you and I never had those peanut butter bars in school but what we did have was haystacks. They were so popular that kids would trade other stuff from their lunch tray to get somebody else's haystack. These sure do look delicious though!

  10. Debi Hediger
    Debi Hediger says:

    If you break your eggs into the measuring cup that your going to put your peanut butter in to measure, it works with shortening as well. Just swish it around and pour into your bowl, then the peanut butter will slip right out.

  11. Sarah Miller
    Sarah Miller says:

    I’m 38, and we had peanut butter bars in school! I called my old home economics teacher about 7 years after I graduated to get the recipe 😂They were so amazing! However, my recipe doesn’t include oats, but it is pretty similar. I also make a peanut butter icing for the top. Makes my mouth water just thinking about them. My family enjoys them around Thanksgiving and Christmas ever year. 😊So nice of you to share this recipe for others to enjoy a moment back in time. ❤️ Here’s a photo of my version of these yummy little treats! Hopefully the link works! Lol


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