The Best One Pot Chicken Chorizo In less Than 1 Hour

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My favourite go to one pot meal for any day of the year. This chicken and chorizo one pot recipe is packed with flavour, takes less …

40 replies
  1. Marylin Vieth
    Marylin Vieth says:

    Can I use chicken breast pleeeease? Also dried herbs…. Everything is soooo expensive these days ☹️. Can I freeze? How long in the fridge? As per usual ❤️ your work!!!!

  2. Michael Buckley
    Michael Buckley says:

    Great video. One thing I struggle with is when to move from the stove top to the oven. Too often ive overcooked meat by teying to pull together on the stove. Low and slow helps but must train my brain to use the damn oven

  3. Chuffsie
    Chuffsie says:

    Made this today for Ms Fussy. Ms Fussy hates and sauce and hates chorizo. “Any left for me to take to lunch tomorrow?” Lol. Didn’t have any bread left. She’s popping into greggs tomorrow before work.

    Simple but very tasty!

  4. Eve HSV
    Eve HSV says:

    Thanks Jack sorry I’ve been abit quiet of late we have had a very sad time in our family. Great recipe will definitely cook this up for the family. Thank you.😊

  5. tillskyfallsdown
    tillskyfallsdown says:

    I always find your videos hilarious when you drop a small joke here and there, making yourself have a quick chuckle which makes them even better to watch and take in. You've definitely improved in the quality and pacing. I watched an older video and the difference is night and day.

  6. crack noir
    crack noir says:

    nice I love a 1 pot wonder I normally just wing measurements chuck it in a slow cooker & hope for the best i am not a fan of balsamic vinegar must be the after taste it leaves for me

  7. Sad Lonely
    Sad Lonely says:

    منتهى الجمال والنظافة… اول مره اعرف هذه الوصفه … ساقوم باعدادها غدا لانها قريبه لذوقى فى الطعام … بارك الله فيك ايها الشيف المحترم …❤❤❤

  8. Kevin Létourneau
    Kevin Létourneau says:

    Looks delicious! I try to make at least one new recipe every week and I think I've found what's on my menu this week! Thank you for your videos. I really enjoy your content! Cheers from Canada!


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