The BEST Gluten Free Pasta for Cold Summer Salads, Macaroni Salad | gf explorers

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Macaroni salad and other cold summer salads really put gluten free pasta to the test. Most gluten free pasta brands are either too soft or too hard and crunchy.

2 replies
  1. gfexplorers
    gfexplorers says:

    Every time I made macaroni salad, the pasta became dry and crunchy. I thought I would never enjoy macaroni salad again. Then, I set out to find a gluten free pasta that would make the macaroni salad of my memories. I found it!!!

  2. Liliana Martinho
    Liliana Martinho says:

    To bad they don't sell that brand in Canada 🙁 I'm not a fan of the Barilla either since it feels gritty to me once it's gone cold. Maybe I'll try your experiment with Catelli pasta instead


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