The Beauty of Homeschooling! Plus a Fit Watch Review to Help me Succeed!

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13 replies
  1. Sherry Lyons
    Sherry Lyons says:

    Carolina, fitbit watches are great. I have lost seventy pounds using it by tracking my steps everyday. I went to a nutritionist and started walking ten thousand steps a day. Having the fitbit forces me to have my step goal met every day. I also have a food tracking app and it helps me stay at my calorie count every day. I did this for controlling my diabetes and has been great. You will really enjoy the functions of the watch.

  2. Roger Bastien
    Roger Bastien says:

    You kids are talking like babies you need to work on diction and to teach him to talk without whining like two-year-olds I'm sorry but it's driving me crazy I hear the way they talk whining


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