The 3 Causes of Constant Mucus (Phlegm) in Your Throat

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Learn more about the top causes of constant mucus in the throat, and find out the best remedies. Self-Massage Tool: …

45 replies
  1. Goose
    Goose says:

    Whenever I get a sinus infection I do the salt water rinse, however I found that sea salt doesn't work, I need to use regular salt, I figured the iodine was the difference…? Just my two bits worth. Maybe you have a better answer?

  2. ArtFartzy
    ArtFartzy says:

    Why not just buy a nasal spray? I used that cause my nose was running backwards down to my throat so I always had a lot of that in my throat. After using the spray for couple weeks it stopped. I wouldnt recommend using a neti pot, specialy not if you are using tap water. Improper use of these neti pots and other nasal irrigation devices can increase your risk of infection. Look it up.

  3. Conscious Co
    Conscious Co says:

    I've pretty much accepted that I will have some mucous and indigestion at a level I can live with in order to be able to enjoy pizza and bagels with cream cheese. I know, KETO sacrilege. But I'm at peace with the tradeoffs.

  4. Evergreen Imports
    Evergreen Imports says:

    One thing that most people don't know is that even if they get a lot of phlegm from pasteurized cow's milk, once they drink raw cows milk again, it actually acts a probiotic and to some degree, an anti-allergen. That is, IF you can even find raw cow's milk at a farm in your area. It's been demonized so badly by the big dairy industry that lies to the public (through mainstream news) about the safety of raw milk.

  5. Ron Wimpee
    Ron Wimpee says:

    I use a navage sinus Rinse treatment. I put in sea salt and two drops of Providine iodine. It clears my sinuses and allows me to sleep without sinus congestion. I also use it during the day providing I have congestion in my sinuses. It works so well.

  6. senjski uskok
    senjski uskok says:

    Dr Berg have you ever thought that lots of old people cough because they throats are irritated by something and that something could be Food preservative. I am sure that you know that today's all fruits and vegetables are poisoned with foods preservatives and lot of people are allergic to to that.

  7. I love schnauzer 🥰
    I love schnauzer 🥰 says:

    Hi Dr.. what about the asthma by acid reflux..i need to do 2 Albuterol nebulizer treatment every day,and still looking for a good Dr.. find the solution for me .i never had asthma,and now is one year with this,and I have 49 years this Friday. I am very depressed with this,i don't want to live with this anymore.please help me.😥

  8. Marie Halford
    Marie Halford says:

    Hi. I loved your video on gerd. I make my own apple cider vinegar. I was using apple cider vinegar but I changed the way I use it after listening to you. It works great. It took a few weeks and I was beginning to have doubts but then all of a sudden, it's now working. No more acid. I have just tried the baby shampoo sinus rinse. It was like an explosion in my head. K diluted the solution by half and it was like it hit a block in my head. I assume it is the bio film. I can feel the mild stinging and fullness everywhere in my head. Forehead, cheek bones, ears and even coming out my gums. I did get out a little green and I used my normal sailine solution afterwards. Does this sound normal?

  9. da no
    da no says:

    If you eat garlic too much then you will notice people around you making faces, inside laughing/giggling at one another implying that you stink. And they look at you like you're a piece of pork on a kosher table.

  10. da no
    da no says:

    I fixed it by taking listerine mouthwash and putting into an old nasal mist bottle. I just squirt a few shots of the 99.9% bacteria and virus killing mouthwash up each nostril and sniff. Then I blow it all out. Works like a charm. No more smelly breath from post natal drip too. Excellent. Hasn't killed me.

  11. M’s Things
    M’s Things says:

    I love garlic (and onions), but garlic gives me an all over body rash and the same thing with onions, but it takes a little more of them than the garlic. Is there something else I could eat instead?


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