The 10 Most Overrated Keto Foods | Is Apple Cider Vinegar a Superfood?

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Keto Meal Planner: The 10 Most Overrated Keto Foods | Is Apple Cider Vinegar a Superfood? Website: Our …

38 replies
  1. Lori McMillon
    Lori McMillon says:

    It may be a placebo effect but…I hurt my knee in 2010 while being on a treadmill when the power went out. The momentum through me into the wall and and banged up my right knee pretty good. I have babied that knee since and feared I was going to end up having knee surgery. Started collagen and my knee is much better. I don’t think that has anything to connect with keto though. lol

  2. Andrew Williamson
    Andrew Williamson says:

    I appreciate that you say these things, because even if I disagree with a few points, it makes me think about it and challenge myself to go search what is true or not or just biased marketing…. Such as soon as I mentioned collagen to my old father, he just straight away said forget that product, just make soup the way we used to with the whole meat on bone in the soup…. etc…You solved some of my doubts on how much cheese goes into pizza crusts. I've had a hard time believing I can eat that much cheese so often and be healthy. I worry about your comment on creatine as there are a lot of studies because they have something to sell. yet ACV is very cheap, but I've heard some pretty convincing talks from quite respected doctors, not because of any vitamins or minerals, but purely because of it's pH.. Anyway, like I said . I'm glad you challenge my thinking and push me to more of my own research. I must not be sold on an idea until I've heard everyones opinion and studies.. Cheers.

  3. ScienceUnbiased
    ScienceUnbiased says:

    Non human studies have shown ACV delays gastric emptying, decreases glucose & insulin spikes following a meal, improves lipids (lower triglycerides and LDL) and decreases oxidative stress. In human studies it's been shown to increase eNOS (vasodilation) , also been shown to delay gastric emptying and blunt insulin/glucose spikes post meal by reducing insulin resistance and has been shown to activate AMPK which has a wide variety of beneficial effects. PMID: 27209492, 29091513, 21561165, 19630216, 18093343, 1966168, 19661687. The last PMID above is interesting as it wasn't a "diet" trial – subjects added a low or high ACV drink to their normal day to day or received a placebo drink. Those on the vinegar lost a modest amount of weight (about 2-4 lbs over 12 weeks) although not dieting – including the loss of visceral fat as measured by CT scans. Looking at the data it wasn't enough to improve blood pressure – something also interesting – the groups that lost fat were eating more calories than the placebo group. (albeit by dietary recall, so accuracy is questionable)

    I know he seems to be "the debil" to low carb, keto, carnivore types – but for those not wanting to read through studies, can search youtube for "michael greger vinegar". He LOVES vinegar and mentions it's a weak acetic acid that gets converted into acetoacetate which can activate AMPK – which by the way is the initial ketone body produced by ketogenesis. A few of the beneficial effects might need ingestion, but many of the benefits can just be obtained by being in a ketogenic state – you make your own acetoacetic acid breaking down stored fat to be used as energy. In a ketogenic state maybe the vinegar has little cumulative effect. (not aware of any studies where they used groups on a very low carb ketogenic diet to measure changes by adding a specified amount of vinegar to one of the sub groups)

    Personally I don't do shots or dilute, simply make a vinaigrette with ACV and MCT or coconut oil plus herbs and spices for salads. If not against or intolerant of such things, I imagine marinating some meats with an herb vinaigrette might be a nice change of pace.

    Being converted into a ketone body – vinegar would seem to be a cheap way to increase circulating energy substrates with very few calories – as such may decrease calories consumed at meal time and may be a cheap way of getting some of the benefits touted by those selling high priced ketone esters, presuming that the majority of the acetoacetic acid produced by vinegar is also decarboxylated into beta-hydroxybutyrate.

    As for MCT oil – studies have shown a modest protein sparing effect when starting a very low carb diet, but the benefit only last 3 weeks.

  4. Marvin Alexander
    Marvin Alexander says:

    You are absolutely wrong about a ACV, diabetic 43yrs starting watching carbs ? Lost 25lb got off 2 blood pressure meds, aIc went from 6.4 to 4.5 in 3 months, My doctor recommended to patient, they went off meds and insulin. ACV and low carbs, and it helped my acid reflux, you need to do more research. Thanks

  5. Bonnie carrillo
    Bonnie carrillo says:

    I have personal results on Apple Cider vinegar. It does drop my blood sugar a good amount. For diabetes it’s great for keeping yeast infection away. I’ve been off and on and noticed a difference between off and on. It absolutely helped me in Intermittent fasting to suppress my appetite and works great for heartburn. Also took away bad breath from a tooth infection. I also noticed and so did other family members it kept the common flu away. So I’m gonna have to disagree on this one.

    Cauliflower for me I made Spanish cauliflower rice. Cauliflower pizza and roasted cauliflower and cauliflower mash potatoes all helped me get through my starch craving and gave me my daily veggies.

  6. Christian Aguilera
    Christian Aguilera says:

    I’m sorry but your videos suck now… you guys just come off so nasty and it’s not fun nor pleasant to even watch anymore. First is started with you Matt and I was cool with that because she kinda balanced you out. But now you both suck.

  7. Debra Rainey
    Debra Rainey says:

    Oh good, I like you better with hair Matt! Saw a video with Dr. Berg and you shaved it clean. I eat can spinach. Love it. I can't wait to taste the chicken breast pizza. I love the MCT oil because it seems like it gives me a great boost in the morning. ACV really upsets my stomach. I tried and just couldn't do it. I am so sick of all the almond flour recipes. I would rather have coconut flour. Plus almond flour makes things so dry!

  8. Carly Rene
    Carly Rene says:

    I love your channel but this is slightly uneducated. MCT oil is definitely not necessary like you say but you make it sound like it’s a bad thing. It increases ketone levels extremely quick which is why people like it on keto and it’s a good thing to have. I also agree you can get collagen in other places but you also make powdered collagen seem like it’s bad and that’s not the case either. ACV same thing, may not necessarily help with keto specifically but it has a lot of great health benefits.

  9. Fred Warren
    Fred Warren says:

    ACV is great. Does it help with heartburn? Yes. Does it help prevent Gallstones? Yes. As far as ACV helping, yes I know it does sometimes. Often when I have foods that spikes my blood sugar, ACV seems to dampen that. It is a superfood, even if it does NOTHING to help with Keto it is just to good for overall health benefits to forget.

  10. Jay Cee
    Jay Cee says:

    Funny everyone in comments saying your wrong they work when they’ve been doing keto all of 3 months… they are right you’ve replaced carbs and sugar with a certain product and your going to believe it’s the product… no you’ve dropped the carbs and sugar maybe added some fasting you’ve had a lifestyle change you have nothing to compare to

  11. beanerb
    beanerb says:

    I love to toast walnuts and put them in the food processor. I use it in place of almond flour and it has worked. But I've only tried it witha Parmesan cheese cracker recipe

  12. Vince Pirro
    Vince Pirro says:

    please stick to recipes…calling Collagen and ACV overrated and even slightly suggesting exogenous ketones can aid in weight loss is pretty solid proof you are in the wrong lane

    MANNY STYLES says:

    I personally don't agree with your views on ACV, collagen, or cauliflower. I guess you need to mention some products that with stimulate people into dialogue, and that will do it, other than that it was a great video. You guys are awesome, keep up the great content.

  14. Linda M
    Linda M says:

    Spinach? It's the leafy green I grab. I do the 90 second bread using Almond flour when I want a bread. Been taking my evening pills with water and a splash of Apple cider vinegar. I don't know. Oh well as long as I keep as much grain and high starch food out of my diet maybe I can get this spare tire off my middle.

  15. Mark Sartoris
    Mark Sartoris says:

    Just curious how you feel about Collagen now when on your last podcast, Dr. Stephen Hussey actually recommended taking it. Has your opinion shifted or do you still feel like it's overrated?

  16. M R
    M R says:

    I noticed when you do your eating videos you rarely if ever refer to your cookbook recipes. Do you even eat the recipes you put in the book?


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