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Sonny’s Oven Brisket BLEW MY MIND, I couldn’t believe how good it turned out! Original Video @thatdudecancook …

42 replies
  1. SlayerBP
    SlayerBP says:

    YO 20K SUBS THATS IT??? I fully expected to see ATLEAST 500K at a BARE Minimum. Been watching a few vids and I might just try to make a gosh darn BRISKET BROTHER. Keep it up my man!

  2. Jonathon Mulka
    Jonathon Mulka says:

    You are criminally underated in the youtube cooking seen keep it up I reckon your on the verge of a blow up!
    Now while you do good reviews I would like to see you do your own recipy for some popular cut of meat as well as all the tips you have accumulated throughout the years! Good shit im waiting for the next video.

  3. Biker Bones
    Biker Bones says:

    Hey Ant! Love your videos dude, your channel is definitely way too small for how good the content is. Just had a question, whenever you say "Lawry's" in your videos, do you mean the seasoned salt? Because I notice you usually already put regular salt on whatever you're putting the Lawry's on, so I was just a little confused if you're doubling up on the salt, or using their seasoned pepper?

  4. jamathalaurens
    jamathalaurens says:

    Come to Jesus!!!!! Hell is real and many shall perish and go there, God rewards faith!!! You cannot work your way to heaven, you can never be good enough to make it, but God was good enough to get you there! He came as Jesus Christ in the flesh and was slain as the sacrificial lamb for ALL of our sins!! Friend, sin separates us from God, forever!! But you can be with him today, no matter where you are and what you may think. "And they said, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house."

    Acts 16:31
    Turn from all of your sin, take up your cross, and follow the Lord Jesus!!!!

  5. ThatDudeCanCook
    ThatDudeCanCook says:

    Thanks for the semi positive review my man! You’ve got some great tips for next time I try one of these. I remember it being surprisingly good!! Yours also looked absolutely great with that refined recipe.

  6. PUNKem733
    PUNKem733 says:

    I smoke my briskets to around 193-196, then tick it ovrnight in a 170 degree oven, it comes out perfect. If you take it to around 203-207 that can dry out a brisket in a 170 oven. Goldee's BBQ has several warmers set up for 140 -170. They stick briskets in the 170 one when it is in the mid 190's. Others that are more done get put in the 140 warmer, I think it's goldee's. There are home ovens that go to 140 or so. If you want an oven that goes 130-150 and not want to buy a $1500-2000+ oven, you can always buy a turket roaster from hamilton beach.

  7. Daniel Folsom
    Daniel Folsom says:

    To the untrained wannabe brisket maker, watching two "how to make great brisket" videos yields two entirely different sets of instructions, and it's really hard to know who is right (or if they both are!). That's what makes your videos so great. Question for you, if you have time: Could you do a video on backyard v. competition briskets? I see some people say one difference is injections, but then I see creators like MadScientistBBQ recommend injecting backyard briskets! I see some say the difference is spices (where backyard usually uses just salt and pepper), but then I see people making backyard barbecues using rubs that are way more complex than just salt and pepper. I do know competition bbq is trimmed much more aggressively … but is that it?


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