Thanksgiving COOK with Me || The BEST Turkey!! Tasty sides!! Cook with Me 2022

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Thanksgivng has to be my favorite holiday!! The food, family, and thankfulness! ❤️ ☕️ come cook with me the BEST …

49 replies
  1. MammaSavatgy
    MammaSavatgy says:

    I was fix8ng baked beans for July 4th. I had the very large pan in my hands and turned to put them in the oven, tripped over the guest puppy and threw the beans all over the floor! Yikes! Dogos really loved the beans!

  2. Sheila Campbell
    Sheila Campbell says:

    Im sorry😂😂😂…I love your channel but your husband soo amuses me…like he has this swag and reminds me of a comedian I would watch in the past!!!…3 guesses…he owns a vape shop…he is a computer programmer…or he is a school…

  3. Breandalyn Meal
    Breandalyn Meal says:

    I use the same recipe but omit onions. Now that my girls are all teens, mommy loves onions. Oh wow my first yr of marriage I had no clue about the gibblets inside the bird. Well I cooked that bird. Then my father in law carved that bird up. He asked why does this turkey smell burnt? Yah the bag had badly burned and I also cooked a 15 lb turkey for 8 hrs. I never was asked to make a turkey again!!!! Lol

  4. Adrienne J
    Adrienne J says:

    When our golden retriever was only about a year and a half, he propped himself up on a stool (front legs only) and ate all of the bread that was cubed in the bowl for the stuffing. He didn't break the bowl, but ate to the bottom and then we were scrambling to figure out where we could get more bread. He also ate all the broccoli out of our garden one summer……he didn't smell so good after that. =)

  5. Julie Ricks
    Julie Ricks says:

    I once spent a few hours making chicken stock on the stove for my dressing (early 20’s when I first got married)…I drained it in my colander in the sink. Problem was I didn’t have a bowl under it so all that delicious broth went down the drain.

  6. Caroline Semple
    Caroline Semple says:

    When I seen the turkey with all that foil I thought. Omg it can’t breathe. But then you started basting it, and it started spitting and farting. I thought it’s good 😆. Happy thanksgiving part 1, with luv from Australia

  7. Kitty Rhyder
    Kitty Rhyder says:

    Question Lol Did you remove that paper towel from the cavity ……….You put it there for a hot second and then you were wrapping the foil over Mr Turkey…….. Hope you enjoyed and Happy Thanksgiving..we dont celebrate this in Australia. So you have some huge events very close together …lucky you Lol

  8. Patricia Anglin
    Patricia Anglin says:

    I was fixing chicken wings and all of a sudden my oven was on fire. I was so upset that I pulled my wings out of the oven and didn’t think to turn the oven off . This was my second Christmas for that year. It was for my husbands children. My children was here Christmas Eve . My step children was with their in laws on Christmas Eve my children was with their in-laws on Christmas . That is how it was , now back to my fire. One of my precious step daughters rescued me and took the wings to her house and finished cooking them my oven was destroyed.I’m so glad all the rest of food was done. I was destroyed but it turned out ok. Now I am down to one Christmas Thank God !!! Thank God for Jesus. 🙏🏻❤️

  9. MsWDWFAN1
    MsWDWFAN1 says:

    I've never brined a turkey so I didn't know the brine had enough seasoning in it to season it. It looks like the butter also seasoned it. Very interesting.
    Your Thanksgiving dinner turned out great!

  10. Ma Sue
    Ma Sue says:

    Thanks for making me smile…your food looks totally amazing…loved it! Yes you and your husband are a great team! Happy Thanksgiving…we celebrate ours in Canada in October…so much to be thankful for! 💐

  11. Sharon Evans
    Sharon Evans says:

    When I make my turkey I always pour a little, maybe a cup and a half cups of chicken broth over it so it gives me a litle more basting juices. I also add some chunks of cheese to my home made mac and cheese. Every thing you cooked looked delicious.

  12. Ali Thompson
    Ali Thompson says:

    thanks for sharing your first of two Thanksgiving celebrations with the day of with the turkey and dressing and gravy and sides and the pumpkin pies you made all look so good and your family at this dinner looks like made some really good sides and desserts. So hope you had a wonderful time with this on one side of family for giving thanks to OUR GOD for HIS many blessings and being with family to celebrate. you have wonderful memories from this day. May GOD bless you and Marcus and all your children and your families on both sides.


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