Thai BBQ Hotpot Buffet Restaurant

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Having Mookata which is Thai BBQ and Hotpot. We ordered the All-You-Can-Eat which makes everything free-flow.

37 replies
  1. Lacalos Xnone
    Lacalos Xnone says:

    oh my……….everything look so nice…. but……. the first source you (with a lot of chili) is "Nam pla Prik" . I not support to be in the Thai BBQ buffet. Or even it has you should never put that much or mix with anything . it too salty. And it only for a bit on Fried rice or something not dip like that for BBQ.

  2. Nexusly
    Nexusly says:

    Lol it was funny seeing you say the sliced beef would of been better dry not dipped. Yeah huh you put some random sauces mixed together I don't think mixing sauces is suppose to taste pleasant it would of been mixed if it was a thing!

  3. Inverse
    Inverse says:

    I wish we could have places like this in the US. Too bad they'd be sued and shut down within a day because of idiots getting food poisoning from eating the raw ingredients or from badly burning themselves on the hotpot. 🙁


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