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Texas Ice Storm 2023 | Pantry Restock & Preparing for a Weather Emergency I’m managing our Prepper Pantry and bracing for …

35 replies
  1. Faith and Flour
    Faith and Flour says:

    I hope you are having a lovely week! Thank you for watching!!!
    Just to let you know, there have been several incidents of someone impersonating me and leaving replies about a fake contest. Please report these to YouTube if you receive one and do not click on any links that they provide. I apologize for any confusion or inconvenience that they have caused. Always look for the check mark ☑ next to my comments and replies. That indicates that I am verified by YouTube and am authentic.

  2. AshB
    AshB says:

    Hello Robin. I am new to your channel. I've gone back and watched a lot of your videos and love your content. It's relaxing and motivating. Thank you for sharing your trick and tips. Sorry for the tree damage and thankful you moved your vehicle. I live in north east Texas and we did not get cold enough that we had ice but we've had a lot of rain and are flooding. We will want this water come summer time. Hope cleanup was not to bad. 😊

  3. Dara
    Dara says:

    I live in Austin and still have tons of trees in the roads, it was a crazy storm but I’m SO relieved it wasn’t as bad as 2021’s polar vortex.

  4. Ultima771
    Ultima771 says:

    Hi Robin, I didn't want to say anything but I thought I would come back after watching your last two videos and voice my frustration. I've been watching your videos for three years and have never had problems with the background music until your last two videos. The background music is a lot louder then when you're speaking so I've had to turn the volume up and down and up and down or after I get tired of that mute the video when you are not speaking and keep unmuting to see if you're speaking again. I've had to mute at least 20 times throughout your last two videos. Could you please turn the background music down so it's not so loud. It's so annoying that if you don't change things I will have to stop watching your videos. I would hate to do that because I have been watching you for years and have always loved them! Also playing music while you are speaking is not fun either! I have to strain to get the music out and just listen to what you are saying. I never noticed it before, it's just that the background music is so much louder then it has been in the past.
    I've been watching them on my tv for the last year but last Sunday after my 20th mute, I went to unmute and hit the wrong button and got kicked off of youtube! Thank you!!! Jill

  5. Dede Shaw
    Dede Shaw says:

    Hi Robin, I am wanting to buy some storage jars and I was wondering if you like the jars with the orange rubber seal, or do you prefer the jars with the screw top lids?

  6. Penny DeFrank
    Penny DeFrank says:

    So grateful that you all were safe through the ice storm. I'm in Dallas and I stayed inside for the 4+ days that we had ice and freezing temps. I love the practical advice that you share, and I find myself building a prepper pantry as well as preparing some freezer meals. I'm looking forward to trying the recipe that you shared on this video.

  7. Linda Tom
    Linda Tom says:

    Robin so glad you and your family and home are safe from the deep freeze. I live in Vermont and we deal with this all season long. Thankfully we have a home generator and wood stove! I appreciate all your content and inspiration! Many blessings to you and your family!😊❤

  8. D D
    D D says:

    My adult son is in Tx and works as a lineman. Travels all over. You guys have had more ice than us in Massachusetts. Glad you’re thawing now and god bless.

  9. Audra T
    Audra T says:

    That Fondue set idea was pretty smart. We had a huge snow storm a few weeks ago and there are locations where the icicles are 5 inches in diameter and go from the roof to the ground.

  10. Helen Mak
    Helen Mak says:

    Robin, I’m so glad that you and your family made it through the ice storm safely and you have prepped so well. I look forward to watching your sharing each week, it’s a calming dose of comfort hearing your voice. Well done!❤

  11. KeriLove
    KeriLove says:

    I've said it before and I'll say it again, I love your content and when you make videos like this, it inspires me.

    Thank you for being you. You are appreciated, valued, seen and heard.

  12. laruewho
    laruewho says:

    Was the cubed chicken frozen? Thank you for the delicious recipe. We had a lot of trees down from the ice. No bad damage and we didn’t lose power. I bought some light bulbs that charge while you have the lamp on, if the power goes out the bulb has a switch and you will have a working lamp 😊. It’s supposed to last for several hours. I’ve only had to use it once and it worked great.

  13. Patricia Bond
    Patricia Bond says:

    Praise God that none of you or your property were damaged or injured 🙏 like you said it looked beautiful but those poor trees suffered there! Good homemaking video & I pray for your safekeeping❤🙏

  14. Soňa Vítková
    Soňa Vítková says:

    Hi Robin, I´m so glad, that you are OK!!!🙏 In our mountains (Krkonoše = Giant Mountains; Czech Republic), there have been three tragic accidents due to falling trees since autumn 2022. In two accidents, a huge broken tree fell directly on a passing car and all the people in the cars died. During the last one, a tree fell on a person while walking😭… God bless you all!😊

  15. Beth Kunze
    Beth Kunze says:

    Robin, I so enjoy your informative and relaxing videos. 😊 I love the stainless steel measuring cups you use! They look like they are so easy to work with. Would it be possible for you to reply to me with a link to buy a set?

  16. Pam G.
    Pam G. says:

    We live in your town. It's been heartbreaking seeing all the damage to the live oaks and cedar elms. I'm glad you didn't have any damage to your home, though. We didn't either, luckily. But the trees are another matter sadly.


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