Tempeh Potato Wraps in the Instant Pot

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Here’s another Jillicious recipe for all my Instant Pot Peeps. You could make it for a brunch or make it for dinner. Works both ways. HERE’S ALL YOU NEED 1 …

11 replies
  1. Valerie Scrafford
    Valerie Scrafford says:

    Just because you mentioned that tempeh is not your favorite, I heard that if you blanch it for a few moments before using it in a recipe, it removes bitterness and enhances flavor. Looking forward to trying this recipe!

  2. angela14962002
    angela14962002 says:

    I have never tried tempeh….and the funny thing is, I have some in my freezer. I probably need to throw it out now, since I have had it for a very long time – a couple of years. smh. 🙂 I have been too chicken to try it, but this actually looks good. 🙂


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