Talking about Molly GoLightly's Stream, Dre McCray, Latisha, & Katie Joy

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Just me wanting to put some thoughts out into the YouTube Void about this issue. #katiejoy #mollygolightly #dremccray …

36 replies
  1. Tracy a love
    Tracy a love says:

    I agree, I've stuck with utube because I feel heard (even though I don't have a channel). I love live chats with similar minded, crazy ppl. Funny how much one can feel great spending time with ppl that you probably would never meet. 😊😊😊

  2. Saucy56
    Saucy56 says:

    Dear Erin, thanks for a truly heartfelt video, delivered with eloquence and grace. I loved your take on the whole matter and totally agree with you. Also, we who watch you, love you and WANT to listen to what you have to say. Keep doing you – hugs 🤗🤗❤️❤️

  3. Samya Richards
    Samya Richards says:

    Why is it Dre's fault that his family couldn't afford to drive out to Arizona to see him? That's what I don't understand.

    Also what is she supposed to think about people that her husband never introduced her to?/ Or did he?

    I'm confused about the whole thing. I don't know any of the people involved.

    I have sympathy for everyone.
    I feel like people are discounting the fact that Dre is his wife.
    I heard a recording on Charlotte on the web's channel. Where he told the older girls that he wasn't going to wake up in the morning. And Dre said to him that he shouldn't be telling them stuff like that. He said they needed to hear the hard stuff. She said to him something like I'm the one that's going to be left here to explain why to them. And all people were worried about was Dre not letting him leave. Noone ever addressed the issue of what he said to the kids. I don't understand.

    I spoke with my husband about this. He doesn't like his family he has distanced himself from them. And he told me that even if he was in the hospital don't call them. I'm totally different from him, even if I have not spoken to someone in my family for years. I would love to see them or know they remembered me.

    I have said way to much. But I have questions.

  4. Pink Phoenix (aka Chrystal Holcomb)
    Pink Phoenix (aka Chrystal Holcomb) says:

    I truly, sincerely hope Dre heard your words on this post, specifically. I pray these words of yours speak to her heart..if they don't, it could only be due to her in fact not having a heart. I strongly believe KJ has killed her ability to feel..human, and she'd feel absolutely nothing about anything. Thank you for speaking the words from your spirit.

  5. jillym14
    jillym14 says:

    You must not seen while the threats and stuff from the wifey and ones already had heath problems now because of kj and then and asking for Molly's taxes or bank account that's crazy so many haters but love coming to give her more money click it lol

  6. Tinkerbell’s mom aka Emily Bennett
    Tinkerbell’s mom aka Emily Bennett says:

    I agree with you so much on your advice to Dre. People need others in time of grief no matter what their relationship was before that time. His parents know him and may be able to offer comfort during this time. I truly believe that when KJ stirred the 💩 that led to people to question this poor family’s motives, she caused even more heartache to this family, including Dre. I truly believe Dre and his family could have come to an understanding that they were all there to support Von. Maybe I am naive, but I believe KJ was the biggest mistake that happened in this story.

  7. Melli Lynnn
    Melli Lynnn says:

    @EKC Ms Wynette called Dre on Molly's live. She did not put the speaker on but she left a message. I don't believe that text is from Dre. Isn't it a coincidence that everything that is in that message falls in line with the narrative that Katie, Uni and Michelle are trying to push. I would be interested in seeing a snapshot of the message, I wonder if it gives off any signs of it being from someone else. I know for a fact you can text people and fake a difference number. Something is very off about this situation!

  8. JesseLaRussoGames
    JesseLaRussoGames says:

    Nothing ever good comes with being friends or even being Associated with Katie Joy Paulson. Not hating on her, I just can't stand her Bullshit Lies, Fabricated stories and Blatant Misinformation she spreads across the platform. if she was to Change then my Opinion might change about her, but until then, I won't hold my breath, good video EKC <3

  9. Felon Billye martin
    Felon Billye martin says:

    According to down the rabbit hole news, there is now an actual investigation case number. So I'm hoping whichever way it turns out, it will shut all of them up. Lol what these people don't realize is that it's still not gonna get them their money back if they really didn't get a refund as it's been claimed. But if no fraud is proven, it may open the door for another lawsuit. Remember that saying? "Be careful what you wish for, you just might get it." So I guess we will see. Kj could once again be in some deep 💩.

  10. Slackjaw
    Slackjaw says:

    As for listening to narcissists like Katie, they are always only out for themselves. Period. She has never changed, she will never change, in fact it may be an impossibility for her to change. She seemingly can only use people to forward her own agenda. If anyone relies on or partners with KJ, you’ll be exactly as sorry as every single other person who has ever attempted to do the same, unless you choose to worship her in perpetuity (no matter how despicable she becomes), and only the worst type of human can manage that. You’ve been warned.

  11. Carrie K
    Carrie K says:

    This entire mess would’ve been avoided back in April when Marvon clearly said he was over the grudges and distancing his family if Dre could’ve listened to and actually heard his words instead of her focusing on what he would get from the loss of his grandfather that raised him. If there were issues that could be fixed with healthy boundaries and literally saved his life. For whatever reason she chose drama, clicks & views over relationships even after he was taken to the hospital. Marvon made his wishes clear months before. How is no one actually just choosing his side and advocating for him and Razza, who is also being denied his family. Life is too short.

  12. Grandma Laurie
    Grandma Laurie says:

    What a tragic mess a few people have turned this in to. Some good decent people tried to make it possible for parents to visit their son in a coma. Then…It appears, because of spiraling uncontrollable jealousy turned these acts of kindness into some kind of twisted revenge. Demanding refunds, accusing good people of scamming, and causing unspeakable heartbreak 💔 😢.

    Yes Erin you expressed what most of us feel. Forgiveness, setting aside differences, and focusing on the importance of spending time with a loved one in critical condition. Sometimes we don't have a second chance to do things differently.

    Thank you for expressing so perfectly

  13. 👸 👑 Queen
    👸 👑 Queen says:

    Nobody has the right to deny a mother, a harmless mother to just see their own child. Yes, Latisha had Von young hence the grand parents adopted him but she is still a MOTHER.

    I cry when I think of that because I'm a mother, I'm not perfect either but Lord knows I love my kids.

    This is sooo sad

  14. Welsh Rose
    Welsh Rose says:

    The things that have been said about dre is disgusting today as you know molly was yelling that Marvon was trying to leave dre get away from her forever ask yourself this question if your husband was in this position brought up officially adopted by the great grandparents a father who has admitted he never new his son growing up because he was in and out of prison
    That father in online saying there is no way my son would do this to himself what are you going to do ?

  15. Lynda Bryck
    Lynda Bryck says:

    I am so glad that Molly showed the court documents that are filed with Superior Court in Ark which hopefully will put rest to the na sayers that say Latisha does not have a lawyer no has she filed any documents. I am also glad she read the email from Dre to Ms Jackson that proves what Dre is saying is full of lies. Ms Jackson called Dre from Mollies live and it went to voicemail and Ms Jackson did leave a voicemail, Dre is ignoring her

  16. Hummingbird Enthusiast
    Hummingbird Enthusiast says:

    I’ve stayed away from most of this but this happened to me. I was 34 in a coma and luckily I had an amazing husband and family. Also I went through incredible spiritual healing and all grudges were gone when I woke up even with lifelong disabilities.


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